Report #13, November 4, 2005: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research In this issue: Special Needs Children from Ir Haemuna Ir Haemuna Neve Dekalim Elei Sinai still at the Crossroads Moshav Katif -...

The Pope will see murals on UN facility that glorify murder

When the Pope visits UNRWA Deheishe refugee camp, south of Bethlejem, he will see murals on the walls of a UN facility that glorify homicide killers who died in the act of murder. These...

In cooperation with, seeking Sponsors for film: JERUSALEM IS UNDER THREAT!

The Hurva: Destroyed by Arab Legion, 1948. Rebuilt by Israel, 2011 Who remembers? Between 1949 & 1967, Arabs outlawed all Jews from the Old City of Jerusalem, a policy which ended in 1967, when Israel...

Report #10: State of Evicted Residents of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

A member of Moshav Netzer Hazani, Hezi Hazani (no relation to the man for whom it was named), 53, dropped dead on Tuesday in the market place in Netivot, where he and his wife...

A Book Review: Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller “Jerusalem: The Biography Vintage Publishers

At first glance, Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller Jerusalem: The Biography is surely impressive. Media critics as well as Henry Kissinger have showered it with praise, and the BBC devoted a timely three-part TV...

Gaza Rocket, Mortar Attacks Continue

Gaza terror organizations continued over the weekend to fire Kassam rockets and mortar shells on the western Negev communities. Nine rockets and 13 mortar shells were lobbed into Israeli territory on Saturday. Ten more...

Report # 12: State of [EVICTED] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research "No Treatment for Special Needs Children" There are three families currently living in Ir Haemuna who have young children who have special...

Palestinian terrorists open fire on Arab school using Israeli curriculum

In a letter that was reportedly left at the site, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed “militia” of P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, claimed responsibility for the shooting. “We will cripple with an iron first anyone...

David Bedein addresses ISGAP, February – 2017

David Bedein of the Israel Resource News Agency talks about the presence of antisemitic teachers and curriculum at Palestinian UNWRA schools and what is being done to combat them. A program of ISGAP.  

Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein – A Text for the Jewish Council for... If you have not heard of, seen, or read the book, Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein, do so immediately. It is a remarkable piece of work and essential reading for all those involved...