A Suggestion For The Media, Chris Gunness And UNRWA

My friend Arnold Roth who writes This Ongoing War whose family was tragically affected by Arab terror has a suggestion for the media, Chris Gunness and UNRWA: 9 Jun This Ongoing War @ThisOngoingWar 09-Jun-16: The Tel Aviv killings:...

Palestinian Authority Textook Study Project

SPECIAL REPORT: Israel and the Jews in the Newest Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks taught in PA and UNRWA Schools: De-legitimization, Demonization, Advocacy of Violent Struggle rather than Peace, Jihad, Martyrdom and the 'Right of...

Debunking UNRWA’s “Palestinian refugee” numbers

In a tour de force expose, SaveTheWest.com contributor Sam Solomon demolishes the myth upon which so much of the United Nations Relief Works Agency’s (UNRWA) “work” is premised: “to carry out direct relief and works...

Crying Need for UNRWA to Come Clean on Gaza

http://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/crying-need-for-unrwa-to-come-clean-on-gaza/ What’s worse than a United Nations agency that provides massive welfare and support services to a Palestinian enclave run by terrorists? Well, how about having that same agency run by a loquacious Swiss national who...

Report #8, State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Friday afternoon: Just when it appeared that the problem was solved, the Disengagement Authority apparently did not reach an agreement with the hotel after all, as a result of which, according to Israel Radio...

A Book Review: Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller “Jerusalem: The Biography Vintage Publishers

At first glance, Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller Jerusalem: The Biography is surely impressive. Media critics as well as Henry Kissinger have showered it with praise, and the BBC devoted a timely three-part TV...

Report #13, November 4, 2005: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research In this issue: Special Needs Children from Ir Haemuna Ir Haemuna Neve Dekalim Elei Sinai still at the Crossroads Moshav Katif -...

UNRWA ‘will not shun’ political leaders of Hamas

The American head of the UN agency aiding Palestinian refugees said yesterday her agency will not scale back contacts with the new Palestinian government and will meet Hamas leaders as part of its aid...

Germany has allocated funds to an UNRWA school in Gaza

Questions: Will Germany demand that UNRWA cancel military training in that UNRWA school? Will Germany demand  that UNRWA fire all teachers in that school who are affiliated with terror groups? Will Germany demand full transparency from UNRWA in the allocation...