Our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with...

Last week, our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with experts on the subject of UNRWA policies. The following letter to the US Ambassador to Israel presents five...

Downplaying Why Canada Stopped Funding UNRWA in 2010

“POLITICIANS TRADE BARBS IN HOUSE OVER UNRWA FUNDING” (1) , downplays why the Canadian government stopped funding UNRWA in 2010. It was not because of the “agency’s widely reported ties to Hamas”, which “Canada...

UNRWA goes to war


Amazing that UNRWA can say this with a straight face

The most recent report of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the UN, covering 2013, includes this head-scratcher of a line: "The situation also affected the 1.9 million registered Palestine refugees in the State of Palestine." So...

Full study of school books now used by UNRWA & the Palestinian Authority

No recognition of the existence of the State of Israel: the map of the countries of the Arab homeland as it appears in a PA textbook published in 2017. Palestine appears on the map...

Inside I’LAM – Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel

I'lam (pronounced E'e'lam): Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO number 5803556001 based in Nazareth, Israel. Its aim is to promote civic equality within the public domain and...

Palestinian Rights Activist Exposes U.N. Duplicity At Relief and Works Agency

The scam perpetrated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ever since 1949 has finally been exposed. Defining itself as “a relief and human development agency,” its jurisdiction extends only to Palestinian refugees...

Israeli Middle East expert David Bedein: “Fatah cooperates with Hamas”

In an exclusive interview with JerusalemOnline, David Bedein, the head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, discussed the connections between Hamas and Fatah, which are highlighted in his recently published book titled:...

Report #11: State of [evicted ] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Update on the 30,000 shekel burial for Netzer Hazani victim As a result of this report, and the fact that the researcher...

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...