UNRWA’s ties with an affiliate of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (March 2019)

New information shows that UNRWA (as well as international organizations such as Islamic Relief Worldwide, IHH and Mercy Malaysia, is working in coordination with the Charitable Association For Palestinian Relief – CAPR. Founded in 2004,...

Full study of school books now used by UNRWA & the Palestinian Authority

No recognition of the existence of the State of Israel: the map of the countries of the Arab homeland as it appears in a PA textbook published in 2017. Palestine appears on the map...

U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately $5 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s...

On the Brink: Decline of US trained Palestinian Security Forces

US-trained Palestinian Security Force under General Dayton November 2009 Prepared with a research grant from the Middle East Forum EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After nearly 20 years, the Palestinian Authority, the PA, has achieved the dubious reputation of being...

Our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with...

Last week, our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with experts on the subject of UNRWA policies. The following letter to the US Ambassador to Israel presents five...

Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services

Israel Resource Review PSF file THE ABU MAZEN DEFENSE FORCES By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006 http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=2702&q=1 IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists 'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force' http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=2856&q=1 PM...

The Making of the Palestinian President 2005

The Palestinian Presidential Elections of January 2005 are an important milestone in Palestinian state-building for several reasons. Palestinian elections are a critical point in the transition between Israeli military rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip...

Israeli Government Violations of Disengagement Opponents’ Civil Rights

Since the passage of the Law on Evacuation and Compensation (“The Disengagement Law”) by the Knesset in February 2005, the civil rights of opponents of disengagement have been subject to extensive violations. These include...

Study: Will US, Canadian & EU Trained Palestinian Forces Turn on Israel? (Hebrew)

On the surface, the Palestinian Authority has scored a major achievement over the last five years with the development of its own security force. Crime in the West Bank is at their lowest point in...