Dr. Pascale Falek, Policy Officer of the E C* Coordinator on” combating Antisemitism” issued...

"The EU does not fund Palestinian textbooks. It has funded an independent study on these textbooks against defined international benchmarks, based on the UNESCO standards on peace, tolerance and non-violence in education. On the...

When Egypt was in Gaza

When I first visited the Gaza Strip after the Six Day War, I encountered a territory that bore stark witness to Egyptian aggression, callousness and inhumanity. For 19 long years, the area had been...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

Blinken blunders and other balagan

For those uninitiated in the nuances of modern Israeli discourse, balagan loosely translated means chaos or fiasco. Everywhere one looks these days one can certainly witness a progression of blunders, chaos and fiasco insofar as...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein – May 14, 2021

Behind The Scene with David Bedein – Six million residents terrorized https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRs3PsHgo9U

Study Finds UNRWA Educational Materials Replete With Antisemitism, Anti-Israel Hate, Incitement

A new study of educational materials used by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian refugees, has found that the materials contain anti-Israel and antisemitic racism, encouragement of terrorism and...


UAE & UNRWA – IN $ Download this report in PDF, click here.