bedein unrwa - search results

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Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA

1.Advcate Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA. Do not waste time with calls to replace UNRWA.UN will not allow that to occur. Responsible for UNRWA  policies: donor nations.UNRWA donors need feedback. Those who make...

A dispassionate perspective on the renewal of US Aid to UNRWA

The US Government has announced the renewal of aid to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which the UN created after as a "temporary" entity in the wake of the Israel War...

As Netanyahu Attempts to Form Coalition, Israel Battles Biden Decision to Re-Fund UNRWA

For the fourth time in two years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to form a majority, coalition government. But even if he succeeds, Netanyahu will face other challenges from outside, including President...

Turkey contributes US$ 10 million to UNRWA in support of Palestine refugees

The Government of Turkey has contributed US$ 10 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in support of Palestine refugees. This generous funding comes...

US wants to renew to the PA and UNRWA? – Two requests

US now considers renewed unconditional aid to the PA and UNRWA. The PA has strengthened formal legislation to grant automatic salaries for life for anyone who murders a Jew- for the murderer and for the...

Our updated letter to all UNRWA donor nations

Letter sent to each UNRWA donor nation: March 29, 2021 The Hon. Last month, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research gave its sixth briefing in less than four years for senior staff of the UN...

Antisemitismus an UNRWA-Schulen: Realisiert durch deutsche Gelder

Deutschland finanziert das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNRWA und spendete USD 170 Millionen allein im vergangenen Jahr. Vor 15 Jahren noch stellte Deutschland USD 2 Millionen zur Verfügung. Damit trägt die Bundesregierung dazu bei, dass 76 Jahre nach...

The Imperative to Stop UNRWA’s Antisemitic Incitement

The recently incorporated think tank, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, has covered UNRWA education for the foreign press and the diplomatic corps ever since the Palestinian Authority began to act as...

Memo on renewal of US aid to UNRWA & PA education

Memo on renewal of  US aid to UNRWA & PA education Ever since the Biden Administration came into power in the U.S., it has been a foregone conclusion that the Americans will l renew funding to UNRWA and...

Letter from Julia Marks, Diplomatic Liaison, Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research

On February 9, 2021, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research gave its sixth briefing in less than four years for senior staff members of the UN Secretary General, concerning UNRWA policies. Dr. Arnon...