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FOR PUBLICATION Some people criticize Knesset candidate Caroline Glick for saying that the Oslo accord was a crime. Isn’t it? The Oslo process gave us 25 years to witness the PLO and its Palestinian Authority in operation,...

US Refuses to Expose Anti-Israel Incitement in Palestinian Textbooks

The think tank that I run, the Center for Near East Policy Research, has completed a four-year research activity, in which all 364 school books for grades 1-12 that were published by the Palestinian...

US -Saudi policy considerations?

As the following article indicates, senior White House official and son in law Jared Kushner has developed a full blown alliance with Saudi Arabia https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/08/world/middleeast/saudi-mbs-jared-kushner.html Yet Saudi Arabia, which last week granted an unrestricted $50 million...

Populist German MP: Germany, EU Funding Anti-Israel Organizations

Mr Bystron specifically refers to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to which Berlin has given 80 million euros, and accuses the group of being “pro-Hamas,”...

What would a PLO state portend?

People often speak about an independent PLO state as an untested entity about to emerge, like a new neighbor who deserves a welcome wagon. The INSS , The Institute for National Security Studies, has commissioned...

Saudi Arabia pledges $50m to UN Palestinian refugee agency

Saudi Arabia has pledged $50 million to UNRWA which has been hit by the withdrawal of all US funding The announcement was made at a press conference in the Saudi capital Saudi Arabia has...

International amnesia

There are two very important events commemorated in Israel at the end of November which the rest of the world have either deliberately wiped from their collective memory or conveniently decided to distort…writes Michael...

Is Canada’s Justin Trudeau the Great Reformer of Islam?

Justin Trudeau, Canadian prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, has become an icon of the West’s rapprochement with Islam and its openness to Islamic values. Trudeau is perceived as...

The Blessing for Israel of a Democratic House

Nov. 8, 2018   David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research A Democratic controlled House of Representatives can now play a crucial role in preventing the continuity of a Palestinian Arab regime which is devoid...

Vivian Bercovici: Why are we ignoring the appalling human rights crisis in the PA?

Human rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip appear to be in a death spiral. Two weeks ago, an American citizen, Issam Akel, who is also Palestinian, was summoned to police headquarters in Ramallah....