bedein unrwa - search results

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UNRWA terror involvement – Now under new scrutiny in the US Congress and the Israeli...

Once again this summer, Hamas  operates military preparation summer camps for 250,000 teenagers who attend UNRWA schools during the school year. Working with an Israeli-Palestinian team of journalists over the past few years, I run...

Lobby to reform UNRWA launches in Knesset

A new Knesset lobby calling for the reform of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) will be launched this week. The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA Policy Reform, which is chaired by MK Sharren...

Información del Centro Nahum Bedein para la Investigación de Políticas del Cercano Oriente

Misión El Centro Nahum Bedein para la Investigación de Políticas del Cercano Oriente descubre hechos que no están presentados en la cobertura de las noticias principales sobre el Estado de Israel, prestando atención especial a...

UNRWA Policy Letter to US Ambassador to the UN, the Hon. Nikki Haley

Ms. Nicki Haley US Ambassador to the UN Dear Ambassador Haley, You are a welcome guest to Israel this week, where you are much admired for the integrity that you have shown in your demand for...

As a Witness, Bedein Chronicles “Inconvenient Truths” of Palestinian Authroity

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority, by David Bedein. Edited by Bernhard Rosenberg. Behr Publishers, Edison, NJ. 2017 Over the past 30 years of covering the Israeli-PLO relations, David Bedein has witnessed many of its defining...

Reform UNRWA, a renegade agency committed to hate

What if a secretive United Nations organization existed that employed murderers and terrorists; that hired trained killers as school principals; that brainwashed children in Islamic fundamentalism; that ran a propaganda machine, using social media...

Unrwa Bluff

In February 2011, producers of the Center For Near East Policy Research's  short film, "FOR THE SAKE OF NAKB"A,,  which exposed UNRWA incitement the UNRWA school system in the Palestinian Authority, presented that movie for...

UNRWA: Tillförsel av medel till Hamas för kommande stridsåtgärder

Efter ‘Operation Protective Edge’ (Israel-Gaza konflikten sommaren 2014 ) uttrycker människor från alla samhällsskikt i Israel sin oro över de terrortunnlar som grävs av Hamas och även den ökande militära närvaron av Hamas i...

UNRWA: Supply Line To Hamas for the Next Round of Fighting?

Since the end of the Summer 2014 ‘Operation Protective Edge’ battle, Israelis from all walks of life have expressed concern over terror tunnels dug by Hamas along with the continuing Hamas military presence in...

Book launch: “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority”, 573 pp. by David Bedein – March...

Book launch: “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority”, 573 pp. by David Bedein ( Behr Publishing House, Rabbi Bernhard Rosenberg, Editor,), followed by screening of David’s latest film, “THE LEGACY OF UNRWA”, followed by panel of Arab commentators. ​LINK...