bedein unrwa - search results

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Head of Hamas’ Department of Refugee Affairs Warns of Cuts in American and International...

1. In February 2017 elections were held for Hamas' new political bureau in the Gaza Strip, its highest leadership body in Gaza. Of the 15 members elected, two were senior UNRWA employees: Dr. Suhail...

Watch: Hamas trains UNRWA pupils to become terrorists

An excerpt from an upcoming documentary on the relationship between the Hamas terrorist organization and UNRWA shows Gazan children being led into a mock terror tunnel, where they are taught how to attack an...

Muhammad al-Jamassi, senior engineer in UNRWA’s engineering department in the Gaza Strip, was also...

1. In the recent elections for Hamas' political bureau, the movement's highest institution in the Gaza Strip, 15 members were chosen. Yahya al-Sinwar, affiliated with Hamas' military wing, was chosen as chairman. The new...

UNRWA Inadvertently acknowledges there’s a Hamas leader on its payroll

Dr. Suhail al-Hindi is a man of many titles. He’s been the chairman of the Association of Palestinian Workers of UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

David Bedein critiques “A bold, common sense UN move for the Trump administration”

This article, published at in a publication on Capitol Hill in DC, advances the logical idea that the US should lead to way to "fold UNRWA into UNHCR". After all, UNRWA leaves five million people...

UNRWA Official Chosen for Hamas Post

. Dr. Samil Ahmad al-Hendi, the chairman of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) workers and principal of an elementary school in Gaza, has been chosen...

Trump and the UNRWA farce

After President Obama greased the wheels for the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel's settlements policy, then President-elect Trump tweeted that "things will be different after January 20th." I didn't vote for Trump, but...

Palestinian refugee proclaims: “UNRWA is corrupt”

A Palestinian refugee living in the territories explained how corruption in the UNRWA system and the Palestinian Authority has made it impossible for Palestinian refugees to live dignified lives: “I blame them for me...

New initiative to challenge UNRWA

Pro-Israel think tank opens new office near UN in Manhattan to educate UNRWA donor nations to take steps to reform agency. The Center for Near East Policy Research (CNEPR) opened a new office near the...

Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series “New Conclusive Research: “New Conclusive Research: Message of...

Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series “New Conclusive Research:  Message of Antisemitism and War on the Jews from PA and UNRWA” Footage from PA classrooms to be screened and information from new PA UNRWA textbooks to...