bedein unrwa - search results

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Letter protesting YouTube censorship

Susan Wojcicki The Chief Executive YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave San Bruno, CA 94066, USA Dear Ms Wojcicki Censoring of content criticising UNRWA for promoting violence, antisemitism and extremism. UK Lawyers for Israel (“UKLFI”) is an association of lawyers who seek...

Palestinian Authority textbooks – An issue in the 2019 Israeli elections?

Over the past three years, the Center for Near East Policy Research headed by journalist David Bedein conducted three comprehensive studies of all Palestinian Authority school textbooks used by UNRWA, the PA and Hamas...

21 août 2019: Avis de Conférence de presse

Le 4 septembre à 13h, devant l'Association des Correspondants des Nations Unies (UNCA), à New York, le Center for Near East Policy Research tiendra une conférence de presse sur le thème: "Renouvellement du mandat de...

ZF defends hosting controversial Israeli activist

The Zionist Federation (ZF) has defended its decision to host an Israeli activist in London this week, despite claims he shared a platform with disciples of Meir Kahane. David Bedein is due to speak at...

Föreslagen plats: Stockholm, Sverige

©David Bedein, MSW Föreslagen plats: Stockholm, Sverige. Utforma styrelsen för att främja en ny strategi. Hjälp 5 miljoner ättlingar till arabiska flyktingar från 1948 att komma vidare med sina liv i en ny era av hopp, efter...

Letter to the The Hon. David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel

June 23, 2019 The Hon. David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel Dear Ambassador Friedman: Greetings. I write to you as the director of a news agency and research center which has provided intense coverage of the nascent Palestinian...

Disaster: Proposed Jewish caucus in Congress

Attn: Dan Schori, American Jewish Congress From: David Bedein, Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research Have just heard of your ill-advised idea for a Jewish caucus in Congress Most Jewish members of...

Former U.N. Spokesman Harasses Holocaust Museum Over Holocaust Remembrance Day

A former United Nations spokesman, replying to a five-day-old post about Holocaust Remembrance Day, demanded a Holocaust museum respond to a ten-year-old Israeli comment. Read full article, click here.


Tribute from his student, David Bedein, 46 years later. People in Israel who do not have a loved one to mourn often choose someone to think about on Yom HaZikaron, Israel's day to mourn those...

April 29, 2019: Recognition Of Israel Never Happened

Recognition of Israel never happened Regarding “PLO to discuss revoking ‘Israel recognition’” (April 22), it should be noted that the PLO never ratified the Oslo accords and never canceled the PLO charter, two steps which...