Tag: Cities

ZOA Letter to Publisher of Obama’s “A Promised Land” – Citing Numerous Anti-Israel Errors

BY EMAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Markus Dohle CEO, Penguin Random House 1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019 Ms. Madeline McIntosh CEO, Penguin Random House US 1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019 Re: Falsehoods, Misleading Statements and Material Omissions in “A Promised Land,”...

Le mari d’Esther Horgen hy »d interpelle le gouvernement français

Benjamin Horgen, le mari d’Esther Horgen hy »d poursuit son combat pour la justice et la morale. Après avoir demandé à la mairesse de Paris Anne Hidalgo de retirer la distinction honorifique qu’elle avait remise...

Harvard University website refers to Israeli cities as being in “occupied Palestine”

Harvard University's Divinity School includes biographies of its faculty and fellows on its website. The biography of  Rami Younis, who was a Religion, Conflict, and Peace Initiative Fellow in the 2019–⁠20 session, says, "He is one...

The British Labour Party Since The Hitler Era And World War II: From Anti-Zionism...

BACKGROUND In 2012 while plotting his rise to control of the British Labour Party, Corbyn admiringly defended a mural depicting ravenous Jewish bankers taking bites out of the backs of naked Third World minorities.14 Not...

The Palestinian Definition of anti-Semitism

In the last decade, the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the West has been on the rise. Swastika painted on walls, members of the Jewish community harassed, cemeteries desecrated, synagogues set on fire, and more. A...

Obama on Israel: Broken Promise, Full of Falsehoods

I have never criticized former U.S. President Barack Obama publicly — neither during my time in the Knesset nor anywhere else — despite my having disagreed with many of his policies. I am of...

Stretching credibility to the limit

This past week provided further proof that credibility can be stretched to almost infinite lengths. The death from COVID of Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestine (i.e. Israel) Liberation Organization and close bosom buddy...

Challenge of the Abraham Accord: The War on Incitement

The UAE, ​the United Arab Emirates, an Arab nation strategically located between Saudi Arabia and Iran, signed a solid peace accord with Israel which featured unprecedented clauses of rapprochement and clear commands against any...

Austria’s Kurz and Germany’s Merkel On Collision Course About How to Oppose Jihad Terror

The German-language Austrian publication Kronen Zeitung reported Tuesday that Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz flew to Paris in order to “coordinate ‘on a European level’ with French President Emmanuel Macron on the ‘fight against political Islam.’” This...

Givat Hamatos: A Strategic Jerusalem Neighborhood

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 18, No. 1 A plan to build a Jewish residential neighborhood in Givat Hamatos (Airplane Hill) in southern Jerusalem was approved in 2014, but...