Tag: Jerusalem

Missing links

Great excitement has broken out following the discovery in Israel of prehistoric bones identified as Homo Nesher Ramla, a hitherto unknown species of human.Following some research, thanks to Google, I put together a list...

How Palestinian Arabs Have Been Transformed From Being the Aggressor to the Victim

Operation Guardian of the Walls According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the 11 days of Operation Guardian of the Walls, more than 4,360 rockets were intentionally launched at densely populated Israeli cities,...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 19 – 26, 2021)

Overview Operation Guardian of the Walls: Since a ceasefire was declared on May 21, 2021, there has been a tense calm in the Gaza Strip, where so far the Palestinian terrorist organizations have honored it....

According to State Department US Embassy in Jerusalem Israel but Foreign Ministry and PM’s...

According to State Department US Embassy in Jerusalem Israel but Foreign Ministry and PM's Jerusalem Office not in Israel Dr. Aaron Lerner 25 May 2021 While absolutely every other entry on the website of the U.S. Department...

What is it that woke folk smoke?

If truth be known woke folk don’t need to smoke anything in order to vilify Israel and by extension, Jews. Their knee jerk reactions to each and every action Israel takes to safeguard the lives...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 5 – 11, 2021)

Events in east Jerusalem: This past week hostilities in east Jerusalem escalated, peaking on May 10, 2021, when Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day. Once the violence and rioting had begun, the Palestinian terrorist organizations...

Hypocrites of the world unite

“Hypocrites are those who apply to others the standards that they refuse to accept for themselves.” This quote more than adequately sums up the current international response to Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) and the latest...

Famous israeli singer perfectly captured Jerusalem in this song

Shlomi Shabat is a well-known Israeli singer. Here is a song he made for Jerusalem Day. The words are absolutely beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kQCTlFuCqQ&t=1s Jerusalem is definitely not easy to describe. There’s a feeling that goes with it that...

This has nothing to do with Sheikh Jarrah

As I write this, rockets are raining down on Israel from Gaza, and protests are being instigated in cities throughout the country. People have already died as a result of this senseless violence and...

Understanding the Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon Hatzadik Property Dispute

Israel’s critics have distorted the facts, perverted international law and attempted to intimidate courts and law enforcement officials into adopting the critics’ bigotry. To read full article click here.