Tag: Middle East

Running for cover

Pick one of these definitions, and you will have a perfect explanation of current developments. “Attempt to guard yourself from a bad situation or from being criticised.” “Attempt to avoid the fallout from some negative outcome...

A Nigun in My heart

Writing this  a few days after the yaarzeit of my friend and teacher Elchonon Devor.  Sitting  at my desk in Jerusalem , in  awe of a man whose modesty encompassed him. There is a smile on...

PFLP Ties of the Six Designated Terror NGOs

On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense designated six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations.  According to the Ministry of Defense, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Al-Haq, Addameer, Union...

A new film about Shimon Peres whitewashes the consequences of his policies

This essay is dedicated to the 1,409 men, women and children who were murdered as a result of the Oslo process, which involved unilateral concessions to an unrepentant terrorist organization, a policy conceived by...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 19, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - August 19, 2022 https://israelbehindthenews.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/BehindTheScene-20220819-V2.mp4  

Berlin police investigate Abbas’ Holocaust comments

- David Bedein Berlin police have opened a preliminary investigation against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over his comments this week that Israel had committed “50 Holocausts” against Palestinians. The remarks, during a news conference in...

Ten talking points for UNRWA donor Nations

A German academic asked for advice from the Nachum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Center as to how he could influence  UNRWA policy. His concern was motivated by Germany's increasing its donation to...

‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ was a mixed bag

As we look back over the past few weeks, it is exceedingly important to avoid drawing hasty conclusions about the outcome of Israel’s brief conflict with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza. When we...

Weekly Commentary: Policy Debate Over Honoring Rocket Launcher Human Shields Requires Data Not Released...

There is some basic information we need before seriously addressing whether Israel should repeat the policy it followed in Operation Breaking Dawn of not stopping rocket launchers who have civilians with them in future clashes. Israeli defense officials...

A new film about Shimon Peres whitewashes the consequences of his policies

This essay is dedicated to the 1,409 men, women and children who were murdered as a result of the Oslo process, which involved unilateral concessions to an unrepentant terrorist organization, a policy conceived by...