Tag: Middle East

Israel Confirms It Was Cyber Attack Target

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon confirmed Wednesday that Israel was the target of cyber attacks by Iran during last summer's Gaza war and by Hezbollah, which reportedly ran an operation going back three years. Speaking at...

Palestinian School Textbooks Bias: Schoolbooks Omit Israel on Maps and Glorify Martyrdom

The material in Palestinian school textbooks offers a unique perspective on the Palestinian attitude towards Israel. In many ways, the textbooks mirror the political conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. For example, maps...

New Pentagon manual declares journalists can be enemy combatants

The Pentagon’s new thick book of instructions for waging war the legal way says that terrorists also can be journalists. The description appears in a 1,176-page, richly footnoted “Department of Defense Law of War Manual”...

Partners in Hate…writes Michael Kuttner

We have just arrived back in Israel from a vacation in Switzerland. As well as being overwhelmed by the snow-capped mountains, stunning scenery, beautiful lakes and pristine cleanliness we were also impressed by the clockwork...

Activists target ‘normalization’ march in Jerusalem

Activists confronted participants in the so-called "Jerusalem hug" march in which Palestinian and Israelis participated in Jerusalem on Thursday. Palestinians from Jerusalem gathered near Damascus Gate, where the march took place, and started telling Palestinian...

Col. Richard Kemp: The Amoral Revolution in Western Values, and its Impact on Israel

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To fight for Israel on the international stage is also to fight for the values of democracy, freedom of speech and expression, and civilized social values everywhere. Unfortunately, the morality and values of the West...

Anti-virus Conference

Officially billed as the 5th. Global Forum for combating Anti-Semitism this gathering of delegates from most parts of the globe took place last week in Jerusalem…Michael Kuttner reports.   Judeophobia which to my mind more accurately...

A Voice Missing at  this week’s Global Forum on Anti-Semitism

  Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who served as the Vatican Ambassador and Papal Nuncio in Jerusalem  from 1998 until 2006, died four years ago. Had Archbishop Sambi, still been alive today, he would have been an honoree...

Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Anti-Semitism

Introduction and Initial Action Plan Clearly, and sadly, the issue of anti-Semitism has always been and remains a major recurring aspect in the international arena and narrative. While the phenomenon is universally researched, addressed, and condemned...

Graham: ‘Only a matter of time’ before next ISIS attack

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a potential 2016 presidential contender, says unless the U.S. changes its policies, it's "only a matter of time" before the next attack like the one attempted Sunday at a “Draw...