Tag: Palestinian Authority (PA)

Palestinian Protesters Reveal Details of Undercover PA Police on Social Media

Nizar Banat, who was beaten to death by Palestinian security personnel on June 24, was a supporter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and the Syrian regime...

Human rights organizations demand accountability for the perpetrators of attacks on peaceful gatherings, and...

Palestinian human rights organizations called for an emergency meeting held at Al-Haq Foundation, following the attacks by the security services on participants in the peaceful gatherings that were organized during the past days in...

Summer Camps

Despite Covid-19, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) held its annual summer camps, where Palestinian youths acquire paramilitary skills This summer the mobilization unit of the PIJ's military wing held its annual summer camps for youths...

MPs: Britain must stop taxpayer cash funding hatred in Palestinian schools

Britain needs to act to make sure taxpayer money does not fund anti-Jewish hatred in Palestinian textbooks, MPs and communal figures have said. The call comes after the long-delayed publication of a EU-commissioned study into...

Terror Der Rückkehr

Terror Der Rückkehr

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Mobilize Gaza’s Children for Summer Military Training Camps to Attract Next...

The military wings of the Hamas terror group and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are recruiting Palestinian children and teenagers for their upcoming annual summer camps to train them and win their support to become...

Palestinian Authority textbooks encourage violence against Israelis and include anti-Semitic messages.

Dear David Bedein, Palestinian Authority textbooks encourage violence against Israelis and include anti-Semitic messages. This is according to an unpublished report commissioned by the European Union and recently obtained by The Jerusalem Post. It follows news earlier...

UNRWA goes to war || Behind the scene with David Bedein- June 7, 2021

Behind the scene with David Bedein- June 7, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEzmyxV7u94

An examination of the names of the fatalities in the IDF airstrikes during the...

An examination of the names of the fatalities in the IDF airstrikes during the first two days of Operation Guardian of the Walls reveals that most of them were terrorist operatives- E_080_21 (1) Overview The following...

Palestinian National Council defends UNRWA teaching material against EU allegation

The President of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), Salim Al-Zanoun, has defended the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) over allegations about teaching "hate speech and violence" in its schools, Sama news agency...