Monthly Archives: January 2021

Avril Haines, Director National Intelligence-Designate

Track record Avril Haines is a staunch advocate for military and counter-terrorism restraint, and a determined proponent of a major role for international law and human rights in the conduct of national security policy. She will assume a Cabinet level...

Lehrinstruktionen des UN-Palästinenser-Hilfswerks verbreiten Hass

Im Gegensatz zu den USA will Europa trotzdem weiter für die UNWRA zahlen, obwohl diese gegen die UN-Standards für Friedenserziehung verstößt. Der Arabist Dr. Arnon Groiss, vorher bei Israels öffentlich-rechtlicher Hörfunkanstalt Kol Israel, heute bei der Israel...

What does Biden owe his Jewish supporters?

The election of a new president of the US, Joe Biden, occurred with widespread Jewish support in several swing states. The time has come to ask how the new president can express appreciation to...

‘Shameful legacy of hate’: US slams UN for funding commemoration of anti-Semitic Durban conference

After down-to-the-wire negotiations, United Nations members have adopted a budget for 2021 that was higher than Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed and was strongly opposed by the Trump administration for including money to commemorate the...

How Germany tricked Jewish organizations worldwide

When the German parliament labeled the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as anti-Semitic, it garnered the praise of Jewish organizations worldwide. But despite the importance of the move, which influenced more European countries to adopt...

IDF sees record number of Israeli Arab conscripts

More than 1,000 Israeli Arabs have volunteered to serve in the IDF as conscripts or reservists in the past year, and most after the coronavirus crisis began in March, the military's Manpower Directorate said...

Saudi Arabia vs. the Muslim Brotherhood

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dispute over the role of religion in government constitutes the main rift in the world of Sunni Islam. This controversy also defines the two main camps in that world with regard...

Jews of Denial 

We lament the divide between Jews in America and Jews in Israel.  The two communities see things in radically different ways. American Jews tend to see the death of Jews as the price of peace. In other...

Anti-Semitism i UNRWA:s utbildning

Introduktion FN:s hjälporganisation för flyktingar från kriget 1948 (UNRWA) tillhandahåller utbildning till skolbarn som är registrerade som flyktingar i Syrien, Libanon, Jordanien, Västbanken (inklusive Östra Jerusalem) och Gazaremsan. Vid de två sistnämnda områdena ansvarar UNRWA för...

Political pandemic

As though corona was not enough of a challenge, Israel is now faced with a pandemic of another kind. It manifests itself in a variety of ways ranging from raging fever, hallucinations and irrational behaviour....