Michael Kuttner


After the Holocaust Forum

The VIP’s have departed, Jerusalem roads are back to their normal congested state and Israelis are now bracing for inevitable fallout from the “deal...

If only…

There are many times in life when one can look back and proclaim: “if only events had been different the results would not have...

You had better believe them

The new year has started off, as predicted, in spectacular fashion with more inflammatory rhetoric against Israel. For those who naively believed that 2020 would...

Will we ever learn?

The long-overdue dispatch to “martyrs paradise” of one of the world’s leading plotters and purveyors of terror has unleashed a not unexpected avalanche of...

Warning: Climate Change

The subject of climate change is one which is guaranteed to generate plenty of heat regardless of whether one is a sceptic or a...

Has anything changed?

We are in the midst of what is commonly known as the “festive season.” For those of us living in Israel, it is a time...

One down, two to go

You could almost hear the collective sighs of relief from British Jews as the results of the election became evident. Not only UK domiciled Jews...

Listen and learn

Quote: “If you are not listening you are not learning” (President L.B.Johnson) This has been a vintage week for listening as a multitude of the...

Is it good for the Jews?

Thursday 12 December 2019 is crunch day for United Kingdom Jews. Whatever the results of the elections, on Friday 13th, the fallout and aftermath...

Best left unsaid

Quote: “words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.” (Homer) This quote came to mind as I read the latest crop of pontifications from...