​Center for Near East Policy Research

7848 POSTS

Swedish Minister to PA Arabs: We will fight with you and for you

Sweden’s foreign minister told Palestinian Arabs that her country will “fight with you and for you,” prompting pro-Israel activists to accuse her of encouraging...

Newest school books out, and they are worse

On December 26, 2017, The Center for Near East Policy Reserach with th the help of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the The Meir...

Flight From the Enemy and Its Reward

On May 24, 2000, according to the evidence of the person in charge, one of the most important strategic moves in Israel’s history was...

Senator to probe UNRWA funding

MONEY provided by Australia to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is being used “for evil purposes”, Senator David Leyonhjelm said last...

Rabbi updates book on Holocaust films

Kansas City native Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg has devoted much of his life to making sure the horrors of the Holocaust will not be...

Swiss FM casts doubt on continued UNRWA funding

UNRWA 'provides ammunition to continue the conflict' and an 'unrealistic' hope of return Cassis said Switzerland’s new foreign minister Ignazio Cassis on Wednesday questioned the...

Findings of the ITIC’s examination of the identity of Palestinians killed in the events...

After preparations which lasted for about two months, mass riots began to take place every Friday near the border between the Gaza Strip and...


MFA Spokesperson: The hypocrisy of @UNRWA Commissioner General knows no limits. #UNRWA is determined to demonstrate that it is part of the problem and not of the solution. https://twitter.com/PKraehenbuehl/status/998921965963497473

Why are we backing UNRWA, the United Nations’ permanent inciter?

After the latest violence in Gaza, it is clear that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s continuous support of Palestinian terrorism is a...

How Palestinian Education and UNRWA Incitement Lead to Innocent Deaths

Teachers work hard to find real-life examples to help pique the interests of their skeptical students. Teachers in UNRWA schools face the same challenge....