​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

The Attitude to the “Other” and to Peace In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks: An Update...

Introduction During the years 2017-2019, the Center for Near East Policy Research sponsored the publication of several studies covering the attitude to the Jewish-Israeli "other"...

היחס ל”אחר” ולשלום בספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית: עדכון לפי הספרים שיצאו לאור ב-2019

הקדמה בשנים 2017 – 2019 פורסמו ביוזמת המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזרח התיכון מספר מחקרים שכיסו את היחס ל"אחר" היהודי-ישראלי ולשלום עימו בספרי הלימוד ומדריכי המורים...

The Dean Of America’s Intellectual Pro-Israel Defenders Has Died

Edward Alexander, the Jewish scholar and author who passed away last week at age 84, was called “Seattle’s Jeremiah" by his hometown newspaper. An...

Continuing deterioration of the security situation along the Gaza Strip border (updated to August...

This past week the deterioration of security along the Gaza border continued, initiated by Hamas: the launching of IED and incendiary balloons continued (causing...

Weekly Commentary: The Upcoming Freeze Is The Big Ignored Story

Area C , located in the very heart of the country, is important not only for security reasons. It is basically the only significant...

ZOOM INVITATION; SUNDAY AUG, 30: UNRWA school year begins in Judea, Samaria Gaza &...

David Bedein & Dr. Arnon Groiss : UNRWA school year begins in Judea, Samaria Gaza & JLM When: Sun Aug 30, 2020 6pm – 8pm...

Time to Kill the Zombie Iran Nuclear Deal at UN

The United Nations Security Council soon will be plunged into a momentous debate as the Trump administration seeks to kill the 2015 Iran nuclear...

New UNRWA school year

Letters sent today to Ambassadors of UNRWA donors : Canada, Australia, Holland, Belgium, the UK, Denmark,Norway, Sweden and Germany: Your excellency, The Center for Near East...

UNRWA Terror Balloons-subtitles in English, Hebrew and German

UNRWA Terror Balloons – English Subtitles https://vimeo.com/449054894 UNRWA Terror Balloons – Hebrew subtitles UNRWA Terror Balloons - Hebrew from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה"ת CFNEPR on Vimeo. UNRWA Terror...

Even without diplomatic ties, here’s how 200 Israeli companies are already doing business in...

Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) still have no official diplomatic ties, but, unofficially, an extensive financial relationship between the two is an...