Center for Near East Policy Research
Lying journalist will be speechless after this video goes viral
Journalists should be reporting the news. They should not be editorializing, and certainly not trying to change the opinions of the masses. They should...
ZOA Letter to Publisher of Obama’s “A Promised Land” – Citing Numerous Anti-Israel Errors
Mr. Markus Dohle
CEO, Penguin Random House
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Ms. Madeline McIntosh
CEO, Penguin Random House US
1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
US Pledges Resuming Assistance to Palestine Refugees
The US intends to resume aid to the Palestinians, most probably through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...
Abbas reportedly refused to let Israel vaccinate thousands of Palestinians. Media silent.
Times of Israel reported yesterday:
Israeli officials reportedly sent a request last week to the Palestinian Authority and the Jerusalem Muslim Waqf asking that the...
A zoom seminar to mark one year since the passing of our friend and...
A zoom seminar to mark one year since the passing of our friend and mentor, Jack Golbert. Watch it and understand what a special person...
UN malpractice harms Palestinian children
Back in 2017, Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., introduced a House resolution to prohibit “US assistance to Israel from being used to support the military...
Report: UNRWA Home Study Materials for Kids Glorifying Terrorists
The United Nations body responsible for overseeing Palestinian Refugee Education said recently it had removed violent and anti-Israel content from special materials it published...
New UNRWA campaign against conditional funding to UNRWA
(It would seem that UNRWA's allies are reacting to the our work).
New UNRWA campaign against conditional funding to UNRWA. Download PDF, click here.
‘Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity’ designated as terrorist organization
Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed an order designating "Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity", also known as Samidoun, as a terrorist organization upon the recommendation of...
Med fokus på internationella Till minnesdagen av förintelsen 27 januari. Vad har hänt och vad händer nu i Mellanöstern, Israel och palestinska flyktinglägren UNRWA?...