​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

FN utforskar alternativ till mandatet för UNRWA, hjälporganisationen som inrättades 1949 för att specifikt...

Orsaken är anklagelser om att byråns ageranden är besvärade av korruption. UNRWAs-direktör och ledning har anklagats för att ha missbrukat myndigheten för sina personliga...

David Bedein – The Israel Connexion

David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, describes how Palestinian text books replete with Jew-hatred are infecting the minds of...

Restore the YouTube channel of the Center for Near East Policy Research (CNEPR)

YouTube has terminated or suspended the account of the Center for Near East Policy Research (“CNEPR”). CNEPR had posted a series of videos demonstrating that schools and other activities...

Spotlight on Global Jihad October 24-30, 2019

The main event of the week was the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by an elite force of the US Army in...

Israel, US to push for tighter UN scrutiny of Palestinian refugee agency

The United States and Israel are joining forces to push for reform in the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 24 – 29, 2019)

On October 25, 2019, the return march was held in the Gaza Strip with the participation of about 5,000 Palestinians (a relatively low number)....

YouTube violated own rules in banning pro-Israel channel that took on UNRWA

“If YouTube issued any warnings or notices, they did not come to the attention of CNEPR or Mr. Bedein.” Talk about blaming the messenger. YouTube...

U.S. bureaucrats keep the BDS movement and its scofflaws humming along by not...

BDS activists are constantly “given a pass” by U.S. policing agencies as they break U.S. laws to promote their endless attacks on Jews, euphemistically...

Letter protesting YouTube censorship

Susan Wojcicki The Chief Executive YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave San Bruno, CA 94066, USA Dear Ms Wojcicki Censoring of content criticising UNRWA for promoting violence, antisemitism and extremism. UK Lawyers...

Britain is living through ‘dangerous times’, my bags are ‘metaphorically’ packed, says ex-Master of...

The former Master of the Rolls has said Britain is living through “dangerous times” and that his bags are “metaphorically” packed. In an interview with...