UNRWA and Canada – the lie continues
UNRWA has hired a sophisticated high power PR firm, Marathon Strategies, which plants information in high places to convey the impression that UNRWA carries out necessary reforms.
In 2009, Canada had cancelled its funding of the...
Confirmed – US Congressional GAO investigation of PA texts taught in UNRWA schools completed:...
A journalist and constituent of Sen. James Risch (R-IDAHO), the chairman of the US Senate Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked the GAO (Government Accountability Office) the status of the...
Palestinian UN agency faces financial crisis, may cease services
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) announced Wednesday that it may stop providing services in all of its operating areas starting September due to its chronic financial crisis, UNRWA spokesman Sami Mushasha...
UNRWA – House questions continued funding and population estimate
In 2012 the Senate jn 112-172 directed the State Department to issue a report detailing the approximate number of Palestinian people in 2011 who received services from United Nations Relief and Works Agency for...
Let My People Know
US is a prime funder of UNRWA education. Therefore US Congress conducted its first GAO study of new PA texts used in UNRWA schools Yet the US State Department has now asked Congress to not publicize the...
Summary of April 17 2018 Mtg with Advisor at US Mission to the UN
It was good to see you this week, following lectures that our agency, which focuses its energies on UNRWA (1), provided for the public concerning UNRWA policies (2).
Many thanks for taking the time to meet.
To review...
UNRWA, the EU and the map
The visit of the European Union Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) schools in the Beddawi camp in Lebanon on 27 March...
Hamas continues to operate freely in UNRWA schools in GAZA (updated Apr. 2018)
Canada continues funding for UNRWA
Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced on August 24, 2017 Canada’s continued support of up to $25 million to “Palestinian refugees” via the United Nations Relief...
Scope of Our Work on UNRWA REFORM-2003-2018
UNRWA Reform Initiative
-Scope of our Work
Click here to see full report.
The UNRWA uprising. Stage one
"To understand what is behind the current marches and riots in Gaza, “for the Right of Return by force of arms,” look no further than UNRWA operations in Gaza," says David Bedein, Director of the Israel Resource News...