Privately, Israelis are worried about fallout from attack CONTRARY TO THE IMPRESSION one may get from reading U.S. media, Israelis, while calm, are worried about fallout on them from any U.S.-led strike against Syria. Israel, alas, is used to violent conflict, both within...

Verify chemical weapons use before unleashing the dogs of war The Obama administration has selectively used intelligence to justify military strikes on Syria, former military officers with access to the original intelligence reports say, in a manner that goes far beyond what critics charged...

The Pros and Cons of Attacking Syria Go after the dog's master, not the dog. Kudos to Michael Ledeen for explaining that the road to Damascus starts in Tehran. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu explained on Aug. 25, "Assad's regime isn't acting...

What’s Wrong with Going into Syria American military intervention in Syria is likely to begin this week, and one thing we know amid the general confusion is that the objective is not to oust Bashar Assad: White House spokesman Jay...

U.S. Attack on Syria Won’t Change Anything Forgot about the hysteria of an impending U.S. attack on Syria. Forget about the likely self-congratulatory backslapping by policy makers and the chanting of, “USA!” by citizens. A U.S. air assault on Syria will...

Morsi detained, bloodbath in Egypt As Egypt explodes in what could be civil war, with a reported death toll of at least 628 dead and rising in clashes between security forces and Islamists that began August 14, many are...

Arms for Peace in Syria? As the Syrian civil war rages on with no end in sight, many advocates of U.S. intervention are claiming that an infusion of Western arms to carefully vetted rebel factions will help bring about...

America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning It's 2015, and there is a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas), financed by Iran, wins an election on a platform demanding the expulsion...

Arabs Renew Unrest In Iran The Arab minority has renewed attacks in Iran. The Iranian opposition said Arab insurgents have attacked the Iranian provincial capital of Ahwaz. The opposition said a powerful bomb rocked downtown Ahwaz in mid-August in...

United States-Russian Friction: Implications for the Middle East Tension between Russia and the United States has risen recently, following the cancellation of President Obama’s scheduled meeting with President Putin at the G20 summit in Russia in early September 2013. The immediate background...