Efraim Inbar: The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64939 THE BEGIN-SADAT CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Mideast Security and Policy Studies No. 109 The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean Efraim Inbar http://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/English-booklet.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For centuries, the Mediterranean Sea was the main arena for international interactions,...

Qatar’s Support of Hamas and Jihadist Forces in the Middle East

http://jcpa.org/article/qatars-support-of-hamas-jihadist-forces/#sthash.dk14HQuF.dpuf Vol. 14, No. 30       September 23, 2014 Qatar is unquestionably engaged in international terrorist financing. According to the U.S. Treasury’s division for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, “Qatar, a longtime U.S. ally, has...

Israel faces a wave of Arab refugees

http://www.menewsline.com Israeli analysts have warned that the Jewish state could be flooded by refugees from neighboring Jordan and Syria. They said the expansion of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant threatens to spark an exodus of hundreds...

Hamas Policy after Operation “Protective Edge”

http://jcpa.org/article/hamas-policy/ Vol. 14, No. 29    September 18, 2014 Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal recently revealed Hamas’ unfolding strategy in the wake of the Gaza war, particularly the use of the international system as an economic safety net...

The Surreal ‘Reconstruction’ of Gaza

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/arlene-kushner/the-surreal-reconstruction-of-gaza/ Much of what goes on in the world these days has a surreal quality.  But here’s a case that is emblematic of a host of situations: On Monday, the United Nations pulled back hundreds of...

Regards from Israel, by Dr. Einat Wilf

www.meser10.com Dear Friends, Let’s face it, it has been a terrible summer. Even for those of us lucky enough not to have had to mourn the personal loss of a loved one, this summer of war...

Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace, Volume I, II and...

Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Shai-Ben-Tekoa/e/B00H479XCI Reviewed by Samantha Allie, Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research, and David Bedein, Center director. This three volume work, written by Middle East scholar Shai Ben Tekoa, provides a unique opportunity for...

Encouraging Children to Engage in Acts of War: Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom in Schoolbooks...

Palestinian Authority (PA) schoolbooks used by UNRWA in its schools in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip promote the goal of a violent struggle for the liberation of Palestine. That struggle, which is...

How Peace Negotiator Martin Indyk Cashed a Big, Fat $14.8 Million Check From Qatar

http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/184713/martin-indyk-qatar The New York Times recently published a long investigative report by Eric Lipton, Brooke Williams, and Nicholas Confessore on how foreign countries buy political influence through Washington think tanks. Judging from Twitter and other...

Islam and the “Killing of Innocents”

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4702/islam-killing-innocents "No religion condones the killing of innocents." — U.S. President Barack Obama, September 10, 2014. "Islam is a religion of peace." — U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, September 13, 2014. "There is a place for violence...