Arabs No Longer Take Obama Administration Seriously The communiqué issued by Arab heads of state at the end of their summit in Kuwait this week shows that the Arab countries do not hold the Obama Administration in high regard or even...

Israel-Egypt: Peace treaty not peace An independent economic source, who asked to remain anonymous, told Ahram Online this week that as part of a plan to deal with severe energy shortages, “which might lead to electricity cuts of over...


The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) today called on the U.S. State Department to end its practice of denying visas to young Israeli citizens and Israeli military personnel, thereby precluding them from entering...

The anti-Israel campaign in Germany Omar Barghouti is a busy man, crisscrossing Europe and North America to shore up support for his worldwide campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. While the rest of the Middle East is up...

A Murderer’s Life and the Chances of Peace The New York Times did a valuable public service today by profiling the life of Muqdad Salah. But the story, which demonstrated how unlikely peace between Israelis and the Palestinians is, wasn’t intended as...

Editor’s Dispatch from Dachau: A Concentration Camp Literally In Your Backyard There is a row of homeowners whose back yards face what was a torture barack in Dachau Concentration camp. Their backyard fence is actually the fence from the concentration camp, with one of the...

Editor’s report from Munich’s Hofbrauhaus in Munich- The Beer Hall where Hitler Founded the... I had already been in Munich for two days before I ventured into the Hofbrehaus, reportedly the most famous beer hall in the world and considered one of Munich's best tourist attractions. It was...

Book review – Heidemarie Wawrzyn’s Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948

Gil ZoharRehov Yoel Moshe Salomon 7Nachalat Shiva, JerusalemIsrael 94633 Nazis in Palestine 1933-1948 recounts the demise of the Palästina-DeutscheHeidemarie WawrzynNazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin / Bostonthe Vidal Sassoon International Center...

What Citizens and Legislators From Donor nations Can Do to Correct UNRWA Indiscretions; Follow...

Two news items that may have escaped public attention of late: First news item Israeli troops were dispatched last week to the UNRWA refugee camp in Jenin, in order to arrest sharpshooters who were firing on...

UNRWA’s Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict

UNRWA's Educational Activity in the Middle East UNRWA - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East - was established in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war of...