False Rumors about UNRWA Curriculum Content that does not exist

At a time when the US Congress, the UK Parliament and the Israeli Knesset are examining reports of incitement that emanate from UNRWA, some reporters and pundits have given wide publicity to Hamas’s condemnation...

Israel Cites ‘Lone Wolf’ Ops

Israel's intelligence community has warned of the increasing presence of non-aligned insurgents. The Israel Security Agency has determined that the so-called "lone wolf" attacker has become an increasing threat to the Jewish state. ISA said...

Future EU Sanctions Against Israel? Real, Imagined, and Somewhere in Between

http://jcpa.org/article/future-eu-sanctions-again!st-israel/ Is the scenario of a full-scale EU boycott of Israel at all realistic? This study is designed to provide policy-makers with a “Brussels insiders” perspective on the prospects for future sanctions by the European...

Egyptian army chief El-Sisi in Russia for arms talks

http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/94035/Egypt/Politics-/Egyptian-army-chief-in-Russia-for-arms-talks.aspx Egyptian army chief and defence minister Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi is on an official visit to Russia, army spokesperson Ahmed Ali has stated. El-Sisi is accompanied by Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy in a visit that is a...

Jerusalem Is Among the World’s Most Divided Cities, But One Thing Unites It: Trash

http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/162485/jerusalem-united-by-trash A few weeks ago, I showed up at the municipal sanitation depot in south Jerusalem, next to a small supermarket. After the workers shared coffee and cigarettes in the dark parking lot, the trucks...

Israel may pay for tolerance it shows to killers

http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/israel-may-pay-for-tolerance-it-shows-to-killers/story-fni0ffut-1226821934023 Palestinians celebrate the release of Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons. Source: Supplied IF most Palestinians thought like most Israelis, peace would come to their lands. If most Israelis thought like so many Palestinians - from...

Old-School Israeli PR Makes the Case for Judea and Samaria

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/177094#.UvFU5BXTmUl The footage is old, and the quality grainy, but the message is unmistakable. A public relations video produced by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit more than 30 years ago makes the case for Israel to retain...

No Time to Spare: Talking about Israel’s Legal Grounds

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/arlene-kushner/no-time-to-spare-talking-about-israels-legal-grounds/ If the Israeli building in Judea and Samaria destroys the peace process, then, Lars Faaborg-Andersen, the EU ambassador to Israel, declared just days ago, “Naturally, the blame will be put squarely on Israel’s doorstep.” Naturally:...

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization”

http://csis.org/publication/saudi-arabia-iran-and-clash-within-civilization No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...

Israel mustn’t give up its security valley

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4482912,00.html The security border for the defense of the State of Israel will be set in the Jordan Valley , in the broadest meaning of that term." This statement was made by late Prime Minister Yitzhak...