To the Ben Gurion University Board of Governors: Concerned about Israel’s image in the...

A number of faculty at Ben Gurion University have traveled abroad, lending their voices to the growing campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Others helped to make the same case in writings and...

Hamas War Tactics: Attacks from Civilian Centers

Hamas uses UN facilities, schools, childrens’ playgrounds, water towers, mosques and countless other active civilian facilities as launching sites for rockets and attacks. In this operation alone, Hamas has launched above 1,600 rockets from...

Israel Could Stop Nabi Salah Riots, But it Doesn’t – Why?

The viral video of an IDF soldier being attacked by Palestinian villagers has once again shone a spotlight on the Arab village of Nabi Salah, a hotbed of anti-Israeli violence and provocations. Local Arabs from...

Return and renewal

As I write these lines Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Fallen soldiers and terror victims) is concluding…says Michael Kuttner. It is a day to remember and honour all those who have fallen in the line...

Israel estimates Temple Mount riots ‘organized’ plot

The violent clashes on Temple Mount that broke out last Friday and resumed on Sunday, did not break out spontaneously. The scope of violence required means and advanced preparation, which are the result of daily...

Eichmann and the Man Who Got Away

Sixty years ago, Adolf Eichmann was taken from his cell and sent to the gallows in Israel's Ramle Prison. He had been tried, convicted and sentenced to death by the district court of Jerusalem....

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 7, 2023

5 Ways the U.S. Hostage Swap Will Strengthen the Islamic Republic of Iran

1. Emboldens the Regime While there’s much to celebrate about the release of Americans that were imprisoned in Iran, the United States unfreezing billions of dollars of Iran assets emboldens the regime to repeat their...

Hungary Refuses To Pile On to Europe’s Anti-Israel Bandwagon

With even Prince William and rather less gently the British parliament turning up the volume of the global din over Gaza, the European Union has this week leveled an almost collective swing at Israel....

The Assault: A Coordinated Attack on America’s Jews and Israel

Many of my readers and former students have expressed frustration in the “depressing” manner in which I have interpreted current Jewish political news. Indeed, my messaging is often framed in a problematic context, sadly...