Israel’s Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land There is considerable confusion about the recent action of Israel’s civil administration declaring 988 acres of West Bank territory as state land. In general, West Bank territory may be divided into three legal categories:...

Honoring Liberators and Mahalniks Before It Is Too Late

It is no secret that the eyewitnesses to the Nazi death camps, the Liberators from the U.S. and Allied Armies, are themselves quickly dying off. They did their duty, most having no clue that...

ISIL Still Gains Amid U.S. Strikes

The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant continues to score gains in the war in Iraq, a report said. The Center for Security and International Studies has warned that NATO air strikes on Iraq and Syria...

Wiesenthal Center reaction to riots in Jerusalem after Temple Mount killings

Against the backdrop of riots by Palestinians demanding removal of newly-installed metal detectors on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, necessitated by the murder of two Israeli Police by Arab terrorists, Simon Wiesenthal Center officials released the...

‘Cruel German behavior’: Families of Munich massacre victims call to boycott memorial ceremony

The families of the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre victims said they plan to boycott a memorial ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the attack in protest over the German government’s “degrading” offer of compensation. The...

Totalitarian control of democracy

Totalitarian control of democracy

Wake up ​Israel ​before the polls open

Israel's current regime, facing a November 1 election on a platform of PLO state recognition, obfuscates the PLO threat to all of Israel Help us place this ad to wake up Israel before polls open,...

D66 leader Sigrid Kaag to quit politics, citing impact on family

July 13 2023 “D66 leader and finance minister Sigrid Kaag has decided to bow out of politics after the next general election, citing the negative impact of her job on her family. Kaag, who joined D66...

Inquisition at the UN

Antonio Guterres is Secretary General of the United Nations. His public response to the Hamas Oct 7 Atrocity was to justify the slaughter of Israelis by reciting a stream of pitiful excuses and outrageous...