Israel Targets Hamas Cyber Warfare

Israel has sought to halt Hamas' cyber warfare campaign. Military sources said Hamas and its allies have engaged in daily cyber attacks against critical facilities in Israel. They said targets have included Israel's government, military...

Whither UNRWA? UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness breaks down in tears during interview with Al Jazeera. Photo: YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, has joined Hamas’s clamor for...

Netanyahu: Iran deal will endanger Israel — big time

"A better deal is necessary. A better deal is possible. A better deal must and can be achieved. But if not, no deal is better than this bad deal," PM Benjamin Netanyahu says •...

Bus segregation decision isn’t racist

Op-ed: The reality in which Samaria residents prefer to hitchhike instead of getting on buses filled with Palestinian laborers is intolerable; Jews are also entitled to return home safely without feeling threatened. I only passed...


See here for NGO Monitor's press release, "UN Report on Gaza: Improvement Over Goldstone, But NGO Reliance Hurts Credibility," June 22, 2015 The report of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the 2014 Gaza War,...

Letting terrorists off the hook for killing Americans

It looks like there’s a new red line in the Middle East. It has been laid down by the Second US Circuit Court of Appeals, which just let the Palestinian Authority off the hook...

Soccer on the Mount

Soccer on the Mount, filmed April 21, 2021.

Architect of judicial reform bill ‘eager to compromise’

Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman expressed his openness to compromise on the judicial reform package that is currently being introduced in the Knesset at a press briefing hosted Thursday by the Jerusalem Center for...

Israeli Security Force Operation in Jenin and the Jenin Refugee Camp Review and Summary

Shortly before 2 a.m. on July 5, 2023, the Israeli security force operation in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp ended; it had lasted for 48 hours. It was broadest Israeli security force...


Surprising as it may seem, this ancient form of afflicting the body is still practised among various groups these days. Roman Catholic devotees, especially in places like the Philippines and elsewhere, continue to indulge in...