Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid at the Knesset, on June 13, 2021. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

Yair Lapid’s foreign-policy follies

(JNS) When Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid received the mandate from then-President Reuven Rivlin to form a government after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was once again unable to form a parliamentary majority, he succeeded...

A nechtiker tog

This exquisite Yiddish expression loosely translated means “whom are you trying to fool?” After two thousand years of being abused, kicked around, targeted, slandered and accused of a myriad array of theological and political crimes, one...

Israel’s protesters are enemies, not heroes, of democracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu announced Monday night he was temporarily pausing his government’s judicial-reform efforts in the face of strikes by key industries, insubordination in some parts of the military and huge protests. While...

Why Does Hamas Want War? Politicians start wars optimistic about their prospects of gaining from combat, Geoffrey Blainey notes in his masterly study, The Causes of War ; otherwise, they would avoid fighting. Why, then, did Hamas just provoke a...

Quote: Three things cannot hide for long. The moon, the sun and the Truth.

The ability to hide the truth and evade stark evidence has been on full display this past week. Seeking some sort of culpability seems more distant than ever unless one falls for the suspect...

Main Funder of Anti-Israel Sentiments on Campus: Qatar

Following the IAM post last week, another recent report needs attention. It was conducted by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) on the politically-motivated investments of Qatar in Western Universities. This second report provides a case study of...

The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall?

"The Shechina will never move from the Western Wall" according to an ancient tradition (Exodus Rabba 2.2). Originally, this saying did not refer to the present Western Wall which is part of retaining...

Report form Nuremberg III-The Nazi Party Rally Grounds- A Place for a Symphony? A sunny day, a beautiful lake, with ducks swimming in it,dotted with park benches, families playing, a couple in a boat, a bike path. A very peaceful setting. Serene. That’s the scene that confronted me...

How Benzion Netanyahu Helped Put in the U.N. Charter A Clause That Could Yet...

Benzion Netanyahu, who died Monday in Jerusalem at the age of 102, has been widely scrutinzed this week for his myriad contributions to the history of Zionism in Israel and the United States. Yet...


Note 15 May in your diary because that is the date when all the Israel historic revisionists will be having their annual convulsions. This “unholy” festival presided over by the patron saints of terror and...