The captured Hamas documents with battle orders | Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

Like sadistic Nazis: Secret Hamas papers reveal step-by-step action plan for Oct. 7

Izz ad-Din al-Haddad, known as "Abu Saheeb," a senior Hamas official and commander of the Gaza Brigade, held a secret meeting with his battalion commanders on October 6, hours before the surprise attack on...

NGOs – The New Israel Fund and the Propaganda War Against Israel

The primary threats to Israel's survival do not come from Iran's weapons of mass destruction, or from Palestinian terrorists. Rather, the deeper danger comes from the continuing propaganda campaign that rejects Israel's legitimacy and...

Israel strikes back at Iranian aggression, while Iran lies and pretends it won a...

Israel responded forcefully early Thursday to about 20 Iranian missiles launched from Syria just after midnight local time against the Jewish state – and handed Iran a painful lesson in strategic deterrence. Israeli warplanes and...

The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed Amid the intensifying crisis in Syria, which in recent weeks has seen massacres of the civilian population in various parts of the country, Iranian military, propaganda, and economic assistance keeps flowing in, and its...

Update – Deleting Paragraph 29 Dropped From Agenda Today

Arutz 7 reports this morning that in response to their report last night that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu intended today to approve deletion of Paragraph 29 from the coalition agreement, thus giving Gantz veto...

Phony, Fickle And Fleeting

As the initial shock over the Hamas massacre of Israelis wears off, the predictable reactions start to roll in. One didn’t need to be a genius in order to anticipate this. The whole gamut of hypocrisy...

Craven capitulation

When the leader of the so-called “free world” wobbles and succumbs to appalling appeasement, international bullies and terrorists rejoice. Thus, it has always been in the past and especially now. When Britain stood alone against Nazi...

Jerusalem: Delusions of Division – Introduction

About the Book1 This book, which deals with the future of Jerusalem, was first published seven years ago with the title The Dangers of Division. After a wave of extreme Palestinian violence that centered on...

‘Embassy would move without recognition of sovereignty’

Investigative journalist David Bedein, the head of the Center for Near East Policy Research,warned that the law requiring the US embassy to be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over...

Tis the season

It’s precisely at this time of the year when Christians worldwide celebrate the birth of a Jewish baby in Judea that the irony of the situation we face today becomes apparent. As politicians, media and...