Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1945 – Stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on...


This exchange speaks for itself. A Jerusalem Post columnist, Gershon Baskin, ignores the context of Arab  civilian deaths in Gaza. From: Dr. Aaron Lerner <> Date: Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 9:48 AM Subject: Fw: Fwd: PLEASE HELP 5...

When Deterrence Becomes Just a Word

Deterrence -- the act of deterring especially deterring a nuclear attack by the capacity or threat of retaliating. Since Israel's unilateral withdrawal in 2005, the Gaza Strip has turned into the leading military foe of...

Netanyahu has this to say about Islamic Jihad

Although Islamic Jihad has agreed to a ceasefire at 11:30 pm, the struggle between Israel and the terror leaders controlling the Gaza Strip, whether they are Hamas or Islamic Jihad is a long term...

Hamas’ ‘Saplings Of Jerusalem’ Summer Camps In Gaza Offer Weapons Training To Prepare Kids...

As in previous years, this year too the Hamas movement in Gaza is operating summer camps for children and teens that inculcate an extremist ideology championing jihad and armed struggle against Israel, and also provide...

The guardian on the “Dark Side” of Israel’s constant baby boom

An article in the Guardian (“The women who wish they weren’t mothers: ‘An unwanted pregnancy lasts a lifetime’”, July 16) provides stories of “women from across the world who felt pressured to have children”, in the context of...

Feds investigate USC student’s complaint of anti-Semitism

The U.S. Department of Education will investigate the University of Southern California after a Jewish student claimed she resigned from student government because she endured harassment over her pro-Israel views. The probe by the department’s...

Half of all Jews now live in Israel and that is a source of...

I was recently asked by Westminster Synagogue to speak on the future of Judaism. I told them that, as someone who has written about history, I find it difficult enough to find out what...

Murder Accountabilty

  Matan Tziniman, six years old, murdered by Arabs on July 26, 2022.    Palestinian Authority statute legislates: Murder a Jew, Receive a salary for life.   When you see Matan's picture, will you demand that funds to the  PA be...

Unpacking the Transmission of Holocaust Trauma

The author of The Holocaust: Does Judaism Believe in Gilgul? Transmigration of Souls begins with a wonderful quote from the famed psychologist Carl Gustav Jung: “Rationalism and doctrinairism are the diseases of our time; they pretend to...