Response to Caroline Glick’s analysis: “WHY OSLO STILL RULES” This  most incisive piece misses a crucial detail. The PLO and PA never ratified the OSLO accords As a subscriber the now defunct newspaper  Al Hamishmar, published by Mapam, it is hard to  forget their headline in October 1993, from special correspondent in Tunis, Pinhas Inbari. Inbari provided an...

Yomai Hadin – Days of Judgement

We have, according to Jewish tradition, ten days in which we can hope to alter any Divine decree made about us on Rosh Hashanah. It is as good a time as any to pause, reflect...

Apply this approach to Israel education

Apply this approach to Israel education

The Yom Kippur War: Much More than an Intelligence Failure

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Two messages continue to ring out on the eve of the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. One concerns the severity of the intelligence failure at the time, and the other promises...

Palestinian reactions to the escape of six terrorists from Israel’s maximum security Gilboa prison

Before dawn on September 6, 2021, six Palestinian terrorists from Samaria broke out of the Gilboa prison in northern Israel through a tunnel they had been digging for approximately half a year. As soon...

Convicts. Not prisoners

Concerning the JPOST news story of September 9, 2021 "Inmates riot across prisons in Israel as manhunt for escaped prisoners continues" - the objective term that should be used for the six escapees would be "convicts",...

One step forward and two steps back

It’s that time of the (Jewish) year again when we take stock of the past and pray for a better future in the year ahead. At this time last year, we were all in the...

Democratic Senators to Visit Israel This Week

A group of four Democratic U.S. Senators visiting the Mideast are due to arrive in Israel later this week. They would be the first delegation of American lawmakers to visit since Israel’s new governing...

New Zealand official investigation of UNRWA

Background 1. This is a follow-on from our previous complaint (ref: 535818). a. On 09 Nov 2020 you acknowledged that we were still engaging with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and with the New...

Did Defense Minister Benny Gantz raise any key demands in his meeting with PA...

Did Gantz demand that Abbas repeal the unprecedented PA law that provides salaries (a fee for the killer and a fee for family of the murderer) for life for anyone who murders a Jew? Did...