Hezbollah’s Missile and Rocket Arrays: A Tough and Complex Challenge for Israel

The radical Shiite axis led by Iran has been deployed through its proxies throughout the Middle East. The Axis' military capabilities, with an emphasis on missile use, are numerous and advanced. These capabilities directly...

Who Is Behind the Disturbances in Jerusalem?

If events in east Jerusalem were up to the local residents, they would try to contain the violence erupting around the Temple Mount, but it is not in their hands alone. Many cooks are...

The lie that sets Jerusalem alight

Some 20 years after the October 2020 riots on the Temple Mount, and the unforgettable remarks by then-leader of the Ra'am party MK Abd al-Malik Dahamsha that he woud "be willing to be the...

From Israel: Yom Yerushalayim and the Fight Rages!!

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) celebrates the Israeli reunification of Jerusalem on the 28th of Iyar in the course of the Six Day War in 1967. In course of Jerusalem’s long history it has been divided...

Preventable and predictable

When tragedy strikes the often-heard explanation is that it was “an act of God” and therefore unforeseen and beyond the ability of humans to prevent it. Climatic disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes...

From Israel: National Tragedies, Multiplied Pain!!

Before I turn to the national tragedy that will be a major focus of this posting, I want to call the attention of my readers to a terror attack that took place yesterday (Sunday)...

I left apartheid South Africa. Applying the term to Israel is disingenous.

Human Rights Watch could do with a new pair of glasses. The organization’s new report, “A Threshold Crossed — Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” is blind to fact and reality....

How many times can one be fooled?

Spoiler alert: If you are averse to politically incorrect thoughts it might be a good idea to stop reading. The insanity which prevails among so-called “enlightened progressives” these days when confronted with terror tactics brings...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Textbooks used in UNRWA Schools In the West...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war and their descendants provides educational services to school children of this population in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank,...


On April 22, 2021, The Jerusalem Post ran a feature, entitled "Challenging the Occupation", declaring as a "fact", not as an opinion, that Jewish civilian communities and the IDF conduct a policy to ethnically...