From Israel: Extreme Malice and Stupidity!

March 14, 2019 The air in Israel is heavy with tensions, but in many instances, for the wrong reasons. We are subject to so much nonsense: unfortunate sparring between persons in the political sphere; undue...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (February 27 – March 5, 2019)

This past week the Palestinians continued to demonstrate a high level of violence at the "return march" and the days afterwards: Palestinians threw IEDs and hand grenades, and tried to cross the border fence....

UN Humanitarian Agency’s Propaganda War on Israel Continues

For decades, American taxpayers have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into United Nations “aid” agencies that promoted Palestinian propaganda wars against Israel. The most notorious is UNRWA (the specialized Palestinian refugee framework, created...

Germany Promotes Antisemitism and Anti-Israelism

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The German government’s official policy is that it makes efforts to fight antisemitism and is friendly toward Israel. At the same time, it actively promotes antisemitism and anti-Israelism. It allows massive migration of...

Multi choice mayhem

Registration for Israel’s election has closed and voters now have the task of making an informed choice from a bewildering array of no less than a record forty-six political parties. The old adage that six...

From Fox News – Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers...

A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools -- while faulting the State Department for leaving...

From Menachem Begin’s letter to President Reagan rejecting the president’s peace plan which called...

"What some call the ‘West Bank’, Mr. President, is Judea and Samaria, and this simple historic truth will never change. There are cynics who drive history. They may continue their derision as they wish,...

The False Promise of Iraqi-Israeli Peace

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: No one should be misled by the revelation that several Iraqi delegations visited Israel in 2018 into optimism about Iraqi-Israeli relations. Peace with Iraq remains very far away. Iraq is simply the...

Election fever & other ailments

Israel is currently experiencing an outbreak of measles as a result of irresponsible parents not vaccinating their children against this childhood disease…writes Michael Kuttner. As we transition into a new civil year there will also...

When your child goes to Israel for a gap year

Parents always worry about their children's welfare and certainly when they send their young adult children to an Israel gap year program. Rightly so, although in just about every case, the year passes and the kids...