This Week: A Jewish Grassroots Response to the Delegitimization War Against Israel

Preface: What’s Going On and Why It’s Not New There’s an op-ed in this morning’s Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer. “At Holy Site,Centuries of Co-Existence.”  (Inq, Sun,4/30/17, C5).  The precarious Holy Land co-existence of which it writes...

Towards Trump Israel visit : How President Trump could create a Middle East Legacy

At a time when the new Trump administration focuses on a new Middle East initiative,   President Trump's team could invest his  energies in a real legacy that can be achieved: a humanitarian solution for...

Israel: A miracle in progress…writes Michael Kuttner

Sixty-nine years ago, a mere three years after the devastation of the Holocaust, Jewish independence was reasserted.Returning home to the very land which had been the site of Jewish sovereignty since the exodus from...

Terrorist accused of killing a British student will be paid £800 a month by...

Palestinian Jamil Tamimi murdered British theology student Hannah Bladon He told police that he attacked Hannah in the hope a soldier would kill him  His family qualify for a 'salary' from the Palestinian Authority...

This year in a rebuilt and expanded Jerusalem…writes Michael Kuttner

At the same time that we witness a multitude of Jewish and Christian visitors arriving many of us watch with bemused amazement as large numbers of mainly secular Israelis cram the airport in what...

Anti-Israel voices at AIPAC’s conference

The low point of the AIPAC policy conference came when Nancy Pelosi read a letter from J Street. The letter, officially authored by David Price and Gerry Connolly, urged opposing "unilateral actions by either...

How Benzion Netanyahu Helped Put in the U.N. Charter A Clause That Could Yet...

Benzion Netanyahu, who died Monday in Jerusalem at the age of 102, has been widely scrutinzed this week for his myriad contributions to the history of Zionism in Israel and the United States. Yet...

Invoke Carlebach legacy with Lone Soldiers in Israel

I write as a member of the first synagogue named for Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and his legacy. Our schule is in Efrat. The name of that synagogue is Shirat Shlomo, in Efrat. I do not only dovon...

Hezbollah is preparing Syria as second battlefield against Israel

Hezbollah intends to wage its next war against Israel from deep within Syria, according to a report on a pro-Hezbollah news site last week. The report, found on the web site Ya Sour, quoted Hezbollah sources...

Another Big Lie from the BDS Movement: Hollywood Oscar contenders boycotting the Jewish state

The email blast went out from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation in 2012 urging BDS adherents to write to songstress Alicia Keyes thanking her for not visiting Israel and for promoting...