Breaking news: MDA investigation: IDF sapper warned terrorist may have bomb even after shot

As Defense Minister Yaalon continues issuing statements attacking the IDF soldier who killed the terrorist last Thursday in Hebron in an incident featured in a B'Tselem video, Channel 10 news reports that according to an internal investigation...

Why We Do What We Do

​I  got on the Jersualem Light Rail today.​​ It was there that I saw Dana Weissman, a young man whom I knew when I was a community social worker in Tzfat more than 30 years...

A Peculiar Attitude Towards Judaism in the Jewish Agency for Israel

Since 2002, I have been intimately involved with newolim, or new immigrants to Israel, from all over the world. Being a rabbi, I am naturally interested in their Jewish identity and spirituality. There are...

U.S. Blocks Israel-GCC Ties

Israel has determined that the United States was trying to block relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council. A senior official responsible for relations with the Arab world said the administration of President Barack Obama was not encouraging...

Weekly Commentary: Addressing the ALIS Elephant in the Room and UNSCR Fear

Let's talk about two critical issues that Israel can ill afford to ignore: 1. The United States will have the ability to literally ground the entire Israeli F-35 fleet. All F-35 aircraft operating across the world will...

Who Influences Hillary Clinton on Israel?

Assessing the influence that Jewish associates, advisors, and relatives have on Presidential candidates is complicated. Just being Jewish does not mean automatically understanding the issues confronting Israel and world Jewry. It surely does not...

West Bank Shopping Complex, a Symbol of Coexistence, Is Shaken

GUSH ETZION JUNCTION, West Bank — On a recent crisp afternoon, a gleaming new Israeli supermarket opened its doors at this West Bank crossroads, a once-congenial meeting spot for Israelis and Palestinians that now...

“Rivlin gave anti-Israel boycott groups a kosher sign”

Journalist David Bedein, head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, spoke with Arutz Sheva Monday and sharply condemned President Reuven Rivlin for taking part in a Haaretz conference in New York on...

Dorothy Shea of the U.S. Consulate General: exhibits no respect for Israeli court in...

Deputy Principal Officer Dorothy Shea of the U.S. Consulate General visited the home of the Sub Laban family to examine the situation of the Palestinian family that is facing possible eviction for the home...

The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference

The conference was held this week and attended by the diplomatic corps as well as foreign and local media. J-Wire’s Michael Kuttner was there and has filed this report:An interesting line up of speakers guaranteed...