America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning It's 2015, and there is a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas), financed by Iran, wins an election on a platform demanding the expulsion...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

Report form Nuremberg III-The Nazi Party Rally Grounds- A Place for a Symphony? A sunny day, a beautiful lake, with ducks swimming in it,dotted with park benches, families playing, a couple in a boat, a bike path. A very peaceful setting. Serene. That’s the scene that confronted me...

The baseless hatred of the EU towards Israel Consternation in Israel over the EU’s malicious decision to boycott individuals or institutions situated over the ‘Green Line’ between Israel and the disputed territories. This would presumably include boycotting, for example, the Hebrew University...

Did Jews Abandon the Temple Mount? Stones from the destroyed temple can be seen here. Contrary to what many believe, Jews did not abandon the Temple Mount after the temple's actual destruction in 70 C.E. There is even evidence that...

How the Syrian Civil War and Egyptian Coup Positively Transform Israel’s Strategic Situation Some subtle issues are coming out of the Syrian civil war regarding Israel: clearly, Israel is neutral regarding the war; it won’t get dragged into it; and the longer the war continues the better,...

Egypt after Morsi: The Defeat of Political Islam? Vol. 13, No. 19 12 July 2013 The Muslim Brotherhood’s 80-year dream to take over Egypt ended in a fiasco, barely one year after one of its own was democratically elected to the office of...

Fools Rush in Where Statesmen Fear to Tread “Four years after the revolution and the old king’s execution.... He still recalls the old battle yell Down with all of the ruling class Throw all the generals out on their arse.” -”Marat/Sade” Actually though, many Egyptians are...

The “Sex Jihad” News emerged a few weeks ago in Arabic media that yet another fatwa had called on practicing Muslim women to travel to Syria and offer their sexual services to the jihadis fighting to overthrow...

The Lion Hunter of Zion (Cross-posted at The Times of Israel ) In his youth, King David proved his heroism by slaying a lion. He went on to put his life on the line for the Jewish People and become...