Chronicle: What Israel has done to provide COVID treatment for residents of the Palestinian...

Chronicle: What Israel has done to provide COVID treatment for residents of the Palestinian Authority

We should have a vaccine against viral propaganda

A response to “The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story”, Mail & Guardian, 13 January 2021 George Orwell, perhaps Great Britain’s greatest gift to Western literature, urged readers to be wary of the deceptive use of...

Let’s start talking about our rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

JNS - Now is the time to unpack the arsenal of arguments that were not so necessary during the era of former U.S. President Donald Trump, and refresh the discourse about Israeli rights to...

Inoculate, insinuate, intimidate and inaugurate

The week leading up to 20 January 2021 is proving to be chock full of action on many fronts. Those of us who have been around for quite some time can almost write the script...

Changes in Palestinian Monetary Authority senior personnel, apparently in view of the Palestinian Authority’s...

On January 1, 2021 an order given by the IDF Commander of the Central Command went into effect banning the banks in Judea and Samaria from providing banking services to Palestinian prisoners, released prisoners...

IDF sees record number of Israeli Arab conscripts

More than 1,000 Israeli Arabs have volunteered to serve in the IDF as conscripts or reservists in the past year, and most after the coronavirus crisis began in March, the military's Manpower Directorate said...

Saudi Arabia vs. the Muslim Brotherhood

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dispute over the role of religion in government constitutes the main rift in the world of Sunni Islam. This controversy also defines the two main camps in that world with regard...

Jews of Denial 

We lament the divide between Jews in America and Jews in Israel.  The two communities see things in radically different ways. American Jews tend to see the death of Jews as the price of peace. In other...

Israel & UAE work together against UNRWA?

Writing from the perspective of a journalist who has provided intense coverage of UNRWA since 1987, there are at least two reasons to question the veracity of a widely circulated yet unsourced news report,...

Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection

Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection: