The Palestinian National Covenant

Articles of the Covenant Article 1: Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab...

The Refugees’ Choice: Another Look at UNRWA

Critics accuse UNRWA of perpetuating the Palestinian Arab refugee problem and abetting terror. Israeli officials say everyone would be much worse off without it. Has the 50-year-old mission gone right or wrong? The vanished buildings...

Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

Fighting the “Soft War” on Israel

More and more, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have become one of the most powerful - and controversial - pressure blocs in the global arena. In recent weeks, Israel’s parliament established a commission of inquiry into...

Appeal From the Mother of a Murdered Daughter: A Guiding Principle of The...

Our family has gone through what no one should ever experience. Our daughter, Dalya, was waiting at a bus stop just south of Jerusalem on her way home from work, and never made it home. An...

Restoring Israel’s Rights: The Levy Report The Jewish people’s considerable rights to the land of Israel are founded upon several bases: Jews have been on the land for close to 4,000 years, most notably within eastern Jerusalem (where the Old City...

‘Moderate’ Palestinian President Abbas Praises Dead Terrorists as ‘Martyrs’ An example came earlier this month, when Abbas praised a litany of deceased Palestinian terrorists as martyrs; included in his praise were Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Palestinian Islamic Jihad founder Fathi Shikaki, and...

Converging Toward Hamas There are many points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas; so many that they fought an ugly civil war in 2007, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza and Fatah in control of the West...

Red Lights & Green Lights: Weapons Control in the Palestine Authority?

At a time when Hamas threatens more terror activity against targets throughout Israel, it may be instructive to note the extent to which the Palestine Authority directly licenses arms for the Hamas instead of...

The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...