Palestinians Seek ‘International Protection’ and ‘Observers’ After Deaths of ‘Child Martyrs’ Killed ‘Playing Football’

A senior Palestinian official hinted broadly today that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would demand "international protection" and international observers to stop what he called Israel's "acts of aggression" against the Palestinians. At the same time...

From Evil, Make Good

One-and-a-half million innocent individuals were murdered. Women were raped and children were tortured. The survivors are few, the pain is great. But even ninety years after the Armenian Genocide, in which Armenians were systematically...

On Eve of U.S. Visit, Abbas’s Media Again Attack US and Israel

Only days before Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas visits Washington to ask for money and to exhibit reform and moderation, Abbas's official media have again supported terror assaults on Israeli targets while attacking America and...

Disengagement Lessons: Flawed Pullout Predictions Should Make Olmert Rethink His Plan

Eight months after the withdrawal from Gaza, or what was referred to as a "unilateral disengagement," things are not developing according to the early scenario marketed to the public. Almost nothing has materialized in the...


Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, has put out his weekly commentary. He calls it "Wake up call: Dumbo crashes in Gaza." The message, people think elephants can fly, but guess what? They can't. As...

Hamas-Fatah Agree on Avoiding Armed Clashes: Palestinian Factions Say Prisoners’ Exchange Deal Close

28/10/2006 One of the three Palestinian factions holding captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in the Gaza Strip said on Saturday that it expected a solution to the crisis within days. Shalit was captured in a...

Commentary: Expectations of War and Terror

Yesterday a report from a high ranking officer in the Southern Command was made public: Palestinians released in prisoner exchanges, he said, "always return to terrorism." Always. That's pretty clear, and pretty direct as...

Arlene Kushner Critiques Israel Consulate’s brochure on Israeli Foreign Policy

I write this from Jerusalem as an American-born Israeli citizen. A friend of mine in the States forwarded this material to me, and I would like to take the liberty of making a couple...

Analysis: The Israel “Declaration Of Principles” offered to The PLO

On Monday, September 10th, 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in his office with Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party along with the...

Applying Jim Crow to Israel: An Open Letter to Secretary Rice

Madame Secretary, Allow me to introduce myself. I am an American-born Israeli, and since my early childhood I have been sympathetic to the civil rights movement in the US, and human rights movement around the...