Official Palestinian Radio Broadcasts on the Voice of Palestine: December 23-24

Summary and Analysis VOP led its broadcasts Saturday and Sunday with detailed denials by PA President Yasser Arafat that the PA was contemplating acceptance of a "trade of rights" regarding the questions of Jerusalem and...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 26. The...

Summary and Analysis Powell Welcomed with Threats Against the backdrop of the visit of Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Palestinian Authority renewed its demand that the United States take a greater role in Palestinian-Israeli talks...

Official Fatah Editorial: Continue the War

Official Fatah Editorial: Demand complete Israeli withdrawal - including Jerusalem, return of refugees, attack settlers, soldiers... Rejection and Imposition The Intifada broke out in September 2000, following the obnoxious visit of Sharon to al Aqsa mosque....

The Rabbi Who Favors a Binational State

Viewers of CNN news probably are familiar with Rabbi Arik Ascherman, the tall, thin bearded man who places himself before Israeli bulldozers on their way to demolish Palestinian homes or olive groves. There he...

Why the PA Textbooks Remain a Secret to the Israeli Public

The school system of the nascent Palestinian Authority, established in the wake of the Oslo peace process, has fostered the first curriculum since Nazi Germany to train children in the art of war against...

Saudi Sermon Declares War

Saudi Shaykh Khayyat on Government TV calls on God "to deal with the tyrannical Jews and their supporters" and bring about their defeat. # 1 Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia TV1 in Arabic, official television...

Special Israel Resource Report: The Palestinian Authority’s Media Views Israel’s Elections

Publicly, the Palestinian Authority has repeated that it has not intervened in Israel's current election campaign. But the Palestinian media, licensed and controlled by the PA, have increasingly focused on the elections and published...

Geneva Sellout

On Monday, an agreement will be signed by Israelis and Palestinians. This "Geneva accord" has gotten much attention. And the signing itself will be greeted with much hoopla. Journalists are being flown in from around...

Palestinian NGOs Reject Antiterrorism Pledge

Palestinian nongovernmental organizations are refusing to sign a US-sponsored commitment stating they will not transfer funds to individuals or groups that engage in terrorism. The organizations said Saturday they are planning a popular campaign in...

Palestinian Leader Abbas Signals Mild Disapproval of Rocket Attack on Israel, But Does Not...

The official Palestinian Auhtority media reported today (Wednesday) Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was not pleased with the rocket attack Tuesday night on the Israeli town of Sderot, but no Palestinian official, including Abbas condemned...