Whither UNRWA?

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Whither-UNRWA-371016 UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness breaks down in tears during interview with Al Jazeera. Photo: YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, has joined Hamas’s clamor for...

The Condemnation of Terror by Mansour Abbas: Is It Real?

Muhammad Majadla, head of Nas Radio’s news department, Channel 12 commentator, and weekly columnist for Globes, said that “today Ra’am is planning an important speech, they say, by Mansour Abbas in Hebrew and Arabic. On the second evening...

Israel Justified in Closing Palestinian NGOs Argues Renowned Human Rights Lawyer

David Matas, B’nai Brith Canada’s Senior Legal Counsel and a world-renowned human-rights activist, recently penned an op-ed arguing that Israel’s closure of several Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was justified. In October 2022, Israel closed six...

Israeli Security Force Operation in Jenin and the Jenin Refugee Camp Review and Summary

Shortly before 2 a.m. on July 5, 2023, the Israeli security force operation in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp ended; it had lasted for 48 hours. It was broadest Israeli security force...

How Israel Can cope with the PLO by Adopting a Proactive Approach to the...

Edmund Burke, who supported the war against his mother nation, was once asked if he would support the French Revolution. His answer was negative, because "the end is the means in process". To paraphrase...

Comments for Yom Kippur

First two quick comments about the operation in Jordan: When President Clinton commented that its illegal for the U.S. to send agents to knock off people there was an implied air of moral superiority. Let's...

Background to the Feb 4th Clinton-Arafat Summit

The scheduled February 4, 1999 summit between US President Clinton and Palestinian Authority chairman Arafat occurs after the US has implored the PA to delay its declaration of independence and statehood until after the...

David Bedein’s Response to Rabbi Asherman

Dear Rav Arik, I am more than pleased to publish your reponse to my piece. In terms of my response to you, please know that it is because I have expectations from the Rabbis for Human...

Should Israel Bomb Damascus Now?

Syria openly provides airfields and roads to supply the Hizbullah terror organization in Southern Lebanon, a group which declares that its purpose is to galvanize the Moslem world to invade and overthrow the state...

Professional Review of the Palestinian Authority teachers guide

Analysis of “REPORT: PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS”, compiled by the “Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace” CMIP); Research Director: Itamar Marcus. (CMIP is accessible at www.edume.org) 140 textbooks were reviewed by CMIP. Of these, 36...