Peace Will not be Achieved While the Palestinian Refugees are Denied eir right of...

Gaza 15th May 2001 Wafa- (Official Palestine News Agency) President Yasser Arafat said today in a televised speech broadcasted by all Palestinian medias on the 53rd anniversary of Alnakba that the Israeli military force escalation...

Human rights organizations demand accountability for the perpetrators of attacks on peaceful gatherings, and...

Palestinian human rights organizations called for an emergency meeting held at Al-Haq Foundation, following the attacks by the security services on participants in the peaceful gatherings that were organized during the past days in...


ATTEMPT TO BAN IAW IS LOSING BATTLE - BUILDING AN ISRAELI MARKET, BAGELS AND SIZE DOESN'T MATTER CAMPAIGN ISN'T ENOUGH In her lecture, Dr. Chatterley refers to the Size Doesn't Matter Campaign 2010 inaugural video...

The Panama Syndrome

The time has come to view matters of government media policy management outside of the parochial circles that we all live in and report about, when too many people fall into a political position...

What Palestinians Are Saying Online

During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...

Dangerous delusions and denials Despite the current terror being waged against Israel our own home grown delusionists are busy hallucinating about how we can throw away hard won achievements and trip down the old failed policies of past...

Abu Mazen: More Radical Than Arafat

According to Yossi Beilin (Yediot Aharonot, March 11), the political "pragmatist" Abu Mazen, who "declares everywhere that he has foregone his dream of returning to his birthplace Safed," offers the last chance for a...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...

UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

Finnish delusions Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja has done it again. No sooner did this 1960s radical ease himself back into the foreign minister's seat after four years in the opposition than he unveiled again his...