WATCH: Only Palestinians will have sovereignty from the river to the sea, says Fatah...

Majed Al-Fityani, the Secretary of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council, told Palestinian Authority-run Awda TV that the Palestinians will wrest sovereignty over the entire Holy Land, claiming that Israelis have no roots in the land.  

3,600-plus Palestinian terror attacks in first half of 2023

The escalation in Palestinian terrorism that started over a year ago shows no signs of abating, data from Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria) published on Tuesday indicates. In the first six months of...

Israel at Fifty Makes an Offer “Territories for Peace”, Not “Territories Before Peace”

On the occaision of Israel's fiftieth anniversary, the Jewish state finally finds itself in full scale peace process, following formal peace treaties signed with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994). That is because of a...

Palestinian Reflections on the Kosovo Crisis

As a Palestinian who was born a quarter of a century after and spared the Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 that galvanized Palestine and sent most of our Palestinian people then fleeing to nearby later-hostile...

Palestinian Summer Camp Offers the Games of War

NABLUS, West Bank, Aug. 2 -- It is summer camp time for 25,000 Palestinian teenagers, and strikingly unusual camps they are, too. As run by the men who handle psychological warfare for Yasir Arafat,...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Oct 25

Quote of the Day "Three new martyrs today, among them Nimr Youssef Maghneim of Jenin and Nidala Breiksa, stars of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, who were both struck and killed by fire from Israeli occupation forces...

Official PA radio news P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 31

Summary and Analysis VOP and the Palestinian Authority dramatically changed their hands-off approach to Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon within the last 24 hours, jumping into the Israeli election campaign. The marked shift was evident in...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) February 8th

Thursday Midnight News Round-up, February 8/9 "His Excellency President Yasser Arafat receives two telephone calls-one from President George Bush and one from his Secretary of State Colin Powell dealing with the peace process; Mr. Nabil Abu-Irdeineh,...

Israeli Electronic Media Will Not Report That the PBC Justified the Murder of a...

IMRA distributed Dr. Michael Widlanski's translations of the official Palestinian Authority's PBC Voice of Palestine Radio coverage of the murder of seven-year-old Noam Leibovitch, when the PBC described it on its Wednesday morning 7:30...

How Palestinian Arab Organizations Currently Compete With Each Other to Take Credit for Terror...

Two weeks ago, on the eve of the 18th of Sivan, the child Noam Leibowitz was murdered in a shooting attack on the Trans-Israel Highway. Her brother and grandfather were injured in the terror...