Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator

Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator. Kol HaKavod that you continue to publicize "right of return" as the driving issue of UNRWA to wide coverage in the public domain. I...

The unique tragedy of the Palestinian refugees The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees. The films, pictures, slides and prints the organization has collected on the plight of the refugees will now be displayed...

John Solsvik, Jerusalem correspondent for the Norwegian newspaper, Dagen,First reporter to reveal contents...

Norwegian language version of John Solskik's article: Here is the English Translation: UNRWA curriculum in Human Rights Comes Under Fire Subtitle: “Dagen” - first foreign news outlet to receive the new books on human rights used in...

Gov’t votes not to renew transfer of PA taxes Palestinian unilateral statehood is as dangerous as terror attacks, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Monday. He defended the security cabinet’s decision to continue to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. At the...

Truth and lies at the theatre of the absurd truth-and-lies-at-the-theatre-of-the-absurd.html Some 1941 years ago, the Romans conquered the ancient Jewish kingdom of Judea by force and attempted to expunge all memory of the Jews’ claim to the land by renaming the area Palestine. Two...

Hamas tried to hijack ambulances during war

PALESTINIAN civilians living in Gaza during the three-week war with Israel have spoken of the challenge of being caught between Hamas and Israeli soldiers as the radical Islamic movement that controls the Gaza strip...

Calls Grow for Probes and Defunding of Terror-linked UN Agencies Outrage is still growing after a bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers last month demanded an independent investigation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a UN outfit, over its controversial activities in...

Senate fight today over Palestinian ‘refugees’ Thirty U.S. senators will vote today over whether there really are 5 million Palestinian "refugees" or just around 30,000 -- a hot-button issue that has already become the subject of a vigorous international debate...

Bishop questions PA’s ‘pay to slay’ policy

AN Israeli authority on Palestinian textbooks has urged Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to follow her new stance on Palestinian “martyr” payments with a tough line on Palestinian Authority (PA) ­schoolbooks. Bishop wrote to PA Foreign...

Consequences Of A Palestinian Arab State id=1533&sec=3&title=Consequences_Of_A_Palestinian_Arab_State At a time when a Palestinian Arab sovereign state is so widely discussed, very few have taken the time to consider the consequences of establishing such an entity. 1. Encirclement: Will a proposed sovereign Palestine...