Samir Kuntar Video Clip – Born To Murder

One of Israel's leading investigative reporters, Ronen Bergman, has gained access to a Hezbollah video clip, apparently taken with a cell phone camera, showing Samir Kuntar, the convicted murderer of an Israeli family who...

American Jews fund anti-Israel organizations

A U.S. organization has been receiving money from perhaps unsuspecting Jewish donors to support blatantly anti-Israel groups. American Jews wishing to donate money to Israeli causes routinely utilize local city Jewish federations as a middleman....

Steven Emerson: Combating Radical Islam – Defeating Jihadist Terrorism On Christmas afternoon in 1992, Steven Emerson, then a staff reporter for CNN, noticed a large group of men in traditional Arab clothes congregating outside the Oklahoma City Convention Center. At first, he thought...


It has arguably not been a good week for Palestinianian Authortiy President Mahmoud Abbas. Last Saturday February 5, The Palestinian Authority finally allowed a protest to take place in Ramallah in solidarity with thre Egyptian...

The Palestinian Authority: What Obama Is Missing Well-placed leaks within the last few days suggest that President Obama may be about to announce a proposal for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One of the plan's tenets is expected to be acceptance of...

Palestine – ‘Occupation Incorporated’ An African UN worker in the West Bank recently remarked to a mutual friend 'When people see me coming they see a walking ATM machine'. Driving through Ramallah, and then Jericho, the other day I...

The simple truth: They want it all No matter what the Palestinian Authority is offered - money, concessions and even steps toward statehood- the response is always “no.” Media, academic “experts” and governments seem to find this amazing phenomenon very hard...

Israeli leadership suffers from unilateral withdrawal syndrome It seems that some of our military-men-turned-politicians are suffering from the unilateral withdrawal syndrome. It may be typical of the military mindset: Get it over with! Finish the job! Do something! Do anything! Actually,...

The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

Rethinking Palestine 2012 In 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), failed to win U.N. acceptance of Palestine as an independent state1. This year, he lowered the bar to upgraded status within the U.N. In...