Initial Palestinians reactions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) decision and Palestinian preparations for...

The Palestinian Authority (PA) expressed great satisfaction with the decision of Fatou Bensouda, the ICC Prosecutor, that there is a basis for opening an investigation of the "war crimes" Israel allegedly commits in "Palestine."...

When Terrorism Pays in Cash

Murder can be an all-too profitable endeavor for Palestinian terrorists. Despite pretensions to being a normal governmental organization, the Palestinian Authority doles out hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorists and their families. As...


At an event entitled “Canadian Apartheid & Indigenous Solidarity” on March 12 at the University of Manitoba before an audience of about 50 people, Cheryl -Anne Carr, a Metis Canadian, affiliated with the Communist...

ICT Report: Syrian Chemical Weapons – The Terrorism Threat +The possibility of transfer of chemical weapons to the Lebanese terrorist organization is realistic + The Assad regime could decide in certain conditions to provide chemical weapons to its proxy Palestinian organizations + The...

Jewish Symbolism: Saddam Executed On Day Babylon Laid Siege on Jerusalem

Moments before the rope was tightened around his neck, Saddam screamed out: "Long live Iraq and long live Palestine!" The execution of Saddam Hussein threw the Arab population throughout the land of Israel into a...

INSIDE VIEW FROM AIPAC CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON: OBAMA,THE JEWISH VOTE, AND HOW ERIC CANTOR... l photo by Rhonda Spivak Newt Gingrich at AIPAC Conference photo by Rhonda Spivak Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League with the Editor of the Winnipeg Jeiwsh Review Former Democratic Congressman (Florida),Robert Wexler photo by Rhonda Spivak PRESIDENT OBAMA: HIS CONNECTION...

Dr. Catherine Chatterley: Using The Holocaust Against Israel: Denial, Inversion And The Threat Of... _CHATTERLEY:_USING_THE_HOLOCAUST_AGAINST_ISRAEL:_DENIAL,_INVERSION_ AND_THE_THREAT_OF_REPETITION In general, discussions of the Holocaust in the Arab and Islamic worlds are convoluted, distorted, and contradictory. Commentators are not usually concerned with historical accuracy or historiographical interpretation, nor are they interested in the...

The Truth About Financial Aid to the Palestinian Authority

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dramatic letter written by a former terrorist who is running for president of the Palestinian Authority reveals the extent to which the budgets funneled to the PA from Israel and the...

What a contrast

Argentina’s newly elected president’s recent visit to Israel was a politically refreshing breath of fresh air. Devoid of doublespeak, diplomatic mumbling and hectoring hyperbole, this head of state stood out for his uncompromising denunciation of...

The Anatomy of Paternalism

In retrospect, the Palestinian Arab rebellion against Israel, also known as the Intifada, has gained wide respectability within Israel itself. At the tenth anniversary of the Intifada, an increasing number of Israelis have developed a...