Conflicting Indykations – writes Michael Kuttner Nothing is predictable in politics and international events, especially in this part of the world. However even a novice could have foretold that those who tried to destroy Israel in 1948 and have been...

AWRAD Poll of Palestinians – 87.7%:10.3% Gaza conflict results prove armed struggle best way... The results of the recent Gaza conflict prove that armed struggle, as adopted by Hamas, is the best means of achieving Palestinian independence Strongly agree 55.6% Agree 32.1% Disagree 9.1% Strongly disagree 1.2% I don't know 2.1% Dr. Aaron Lerner...


In March, the acts of hostility reached their peak, and it seemed that the Ishuv (pre-state Jewish community) could no longer endure the blows inflicted by the Arabs. The irregular Palestinian forces controlled all...

HELEN THOMAS REVEALS ALL IN PLAYBOY INTERVIEW- N0, SHE’S NOT NUDE,_SHE%E2%80%99S_NOT_NUDE David Hochman ‘s recent interview of Helen Thomas in Playboy Magazine is definitely worth a read. Thomas had to “resign” from Hearst Newspapers on June 7 after she was asked by Rabbi David Nesenoff in...

Abu Mazen Incorporates PLO Terror Groups into his Cabinet

The new Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, visited Gaza Strip on Saturday for the first time since his appointment, meeting leaders of Palestinian movements as he works to form a Cabinet. Abbas has been...

Monograph: As Negotiations Resume: The Palestinian Authority Stand on the “Right of Return”

Mahmoud Abbas Of primary interest when examining the position of the Palestinian Authority with regard to the “right of return” is the stand of Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), president of the PA. Abbas’s position on...

A message for Passover: Should the people of Israel become the Jews of silence? Fifty years ago, Elie Wiesel, then a little known Israeli news correspondent in the U.S. wrote a book that shook the soul of a generation: “The Jews of Silence.” Wiesel described two kinds of...

Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services

Israel Resource Review PSF file THE ABU MAZEN DEFENSE FORCES By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006 IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists 'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force' PM...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...