40 Palestinian Authority Organizations Attack Bi’tselem

40 Palestinian Authority Organizations condemn "B'Tselem biased position towards Settlements & Settlers in the Occupied Territories": July 3rd, 2001 On 21.6.01 B'Tselem issued a press release entitled 'B'Tselem condemns Palestinian statements supporting attacks against settlers'....

Four Questions for Fayyad

Salman Fayad has announced that he may resign as the head of the Palestinian Authority, where he earned an undeserved reputation with the media as someone who led the Palestinian Arab people in a...

How to Depoliticize Palestinian Refugee Status

In a bold reversal of longstanding Israeli policy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently called for dismantling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and rolling its functions into the United Nations High Commission on Refugees...

Al-Ahram Weekly 25th-31st March, 1999

Contents: Prostitution in Israel: Should This be an Accepted Norm for Young Women - or Should We Fight It? by David S. Bedein A Battle, Not A Massacre Pro-Arab Lobby International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism Website PLC Jamal...

When the Captain of the PLO Gunship Gave a news Interview

The Captain Speaks Akawi: "I knew the weapons were destined for the Gaza Strip". Ma'ariv (p. 8) by Oded Granot -- "I knew the weapons were destined for the Gaza Strip. I received instructions from the...

Rewriting history on the taxpayer dime

http://washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/12/rewriting-history-on-the-taxpayer-dime/ The U.S. government, via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided support for a glossy 39-page "Palestine Guide Book." Just released by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism, it declares on its...

May 16, 2013: Dead Serious

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/ The NYTimes ran a piece yesterday in which it directly quoted a "senior Israeli official" -- who according to the JPost had contacted the Times (emphasis added): "Israel is determined to continue to prevent the...

UNRWA: Protesting Too Much

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2011/06/unrwa_protesting_too_much.html at June 17, 2011 - 01:50:35 AM CDT What do you do when your license to continue operating as a human service provider is about to come under review? If you are smart, you devise...

Conference That Plans The Demise Of Israel Set For Tel Aviv: Realizing The Return...

29-30.9.2013 VENUE Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv - The Rothschild Auditorium, 2 Haim Levanon street, Tel Aviv. conference will take place in the area of the village Shaykh Muwannis, which was located there till the Nakba The conference...

Is there a Palestinian refugee crisis?

We often hear of the Palestinian refugee crisis, and how many Palestinians are still living in refugee camps.  But why do we hear comparatively little about refugees from other conflicts?  Let’s look at those other...