Cutting Edge Interview: War Indoctrination in the Palestinian Authority Martin Blackham talks with David Bedein, Writer, Investigative Journalist and Founder of The Israel Resource News Agency in particular regarding the issue of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees In...

Document: President Arafat Addresses the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland

Researched and Located by IMRA Hereby is the full text of the speech: Mr. President Ladies and Gentlemen, leaders and members of the participating delegations Ladies and Gentlemen Allow me first, Mr. President, to convey to you, a special...

The Arab League Summit Closing Statement

The Saudi Plan, as presented by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia contains three elements: "... withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, recognition of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and...

If Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound Collapses Israel is at Fault

Shortly after official Israeli warnings that Jewish terrorists are threatening to blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Israel is again threatening to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan...

The Palestinian Authority After Arafat

With Arafat out of the picture, the only difference between Arafat and his followers is that his successors wear business suits. Each PLO official who runs the Palestinian Authority maintains a clear record who continues...


Vic Toews, currently Canada’s Minister of Public Security visiting Jordan in January 2010. All photos courtesy of Minister Toews. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews visiting Jordan, January 2010. Minister Toews meeting in Ramallah with...

Barghouti as “The new Mandela”?

This week, a Los Angeles cleric, Rabbi John Roseove, wrote a piece entitled "The New Mandela", in which Rabbi Roseove compared the venerable freedom fighter Nelson Mandela to the Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti Rabbi Rosove...

The UN’s refugee machine,7340,L-4254552,00.html The relations between Israel and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA ) have known ups and downs. It’s a story that features familiar UN politics, and most of all,...

Challenging an obituary to PM Shamir: Letterto the Editor, Translated from Dutch to English

NRC AH Letters Editor Amsterdam, 03.07.2012 Dear Sir, The obituary of your Israel correspondent, Leonie van Nierop, re Yitzchak Shamir is quite biased. It was mentioned in this obituary as though the reliability of Israel’s Arabs adversaries is rather...

Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows

New video footage appears to show Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) being taught that “Jews are the wolf,” and that they will one day...