The Honey-Trap of Moral Equivalence Today, in an age that often seems of pragmatism and managerial-ism in politics, if there is a way not just to honor the late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's memory but to continue her legacy...

Iran has renewed funding to a Palestinian militia

Palestinian sources said Iran has resumed funding to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, with offices in Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps...

Old-School Israeli PR Makes the Case for Judea and Samaria The footage is old, and the quality grainy, but the message is unmistakable. A public relations video produced by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit more than 30 years ago makes the case for Israel to retain...

Iowa View: ‘Peace’ group’s claims cloak its purpose|head&nclick_check=1 The Feb. 19 column “Israel Accuses Iowan Over West Bank Protests” leaves the reader feeling outraged at Israel for its seemingly unjust behavior toward Palestinians. Unfortunately, Rekha Basu’s column does not accurately describe the...

An Inversion of Morality From day one of its existence, the sole raison d'etre of the Hamas quasi-state in Gaza has been to kill Jews, the more the merrier. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has...

(DM Takes 3 Monkeys Role) DM Gantz Speaks with PA Chairman Abbas

(DM Takes 3 Monkeys Role) DM Gantz Speaks with PA Chairman Abbas Dr. Aaron Lerner 5 April 2022 When it comes to DM Gantz's approach with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas it is "see no evil, hear no...

The Israeli City of Haifa in Palestinian Authority Textbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in...

The PA textbooks taught in UNRWA schools (grades 1-10) in Judea, Samaria, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip present the city of Haifa, which is located within Israel's pre-1967 territories, as a Palestinian city: In...

A Parent’s Day in Court

A personal message from Stanley and Joyce Boim, the parents of David Boim, whose son was gunned down by Amjad HaNawi, an Arab who has found safe haven in the Palestine Authority. We want to...

Philadelphia Inquirer: U.S. Government and European Community Finance PLO Broadcasts

I am a daughter of Palestine.... Koran in my right hand, in my left -- a knife. A slightly older girl with her ponytail wrapped in a checkered kaffiyeh gives an emotional recitation of a poem...

What Does it Mean to Have Yassir and Yassin Walk Hand in Hand

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's decision to free the Hamas leader, Sheikh Achmed Yassin has immediate ramifications for the Oslo process, and also for the future of Israel's bilateral negotiations with the Palestine Authority,...